in blurtseven •  2 years ago 

This would be my entry for the contest hosted by @alejos7ven which he wanted every participant to create a logo for his service which could also be a benefit to all Blurt users. He has named the service BLURTIFY.

I saw this contest some weeks ago and this is an amazing opportunity to join others and win some blurt if perhaps I become a winner. Wouldn't that be everyone's desire?

Here comes a wonderful logo that might entice him and I believe would suit his purpose too.


Alejos7even is looking for a logo for Blurtify on telegram to help make it faster and easier for all users to have an amazing moment and ride on the Blockchain and I would be explaining each feature this logo represents.

BLURTIFY: As you can see how it is clearly and boldly written in the logo. We all are familiar with Blurt's logo, right? So, what does Blurtify means?

According to my definition, Blurtify simply means a service to notify you on telegram about Blurt Blockchain which gives you updates and alerts you when something pops up in your blurt account.

Isn't that amazing? Instead of logging into our blurt account, we can easily be notified on telegram first to get any info of what is happening, because many of us might not actually be online and perhaps might miss something which we could have hurriedly attended to but so as not to miss anything so fast, with the notification being enabled, it alerts you quickly and you know what is wrong. How cool is that?

THE BELL: What does a bell do? It ticks right? It makes a sound to make you aware something is going on. The bell is over the logo and its work is to ring a bell or make a sound even if you aren't with your phone but hearing the sound, alerts you to quickly check your phone. You wouldn't want to miss something spectacular. Would you? 😎

THE EYES ON THE LOGO: Can you guess what that means? You know when someone raises their eyebrows at you, trying to let you know something is happening or wrong? Like a surprise!!! Same thing with the two eyes. Blurt raises its eyes with the brows furrowed and signalling to you that something had just occurred in your blurt account. I know you love that right?

NOTIFICATIONS: If you noticed there is the Telegram logo in between the letters. That is to tell you, the service is meant for telegram and to notify you of ongoing activities in the Blockchain. So, notifications mean “hey you, something has just popped up in your account. Come check it out, Blurtian!”

And that is all about this beautiful logo and its features.

I would be inviting @princessmercy @protokkol and @george.dee to join this before it ends. Here is the contest link*

Thanks for reading


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow.. this is so creative of you dear...
I enjoy the whole features I see and how you constructed it.. really beautiful 🙂...

I'm not really good in designing fliers o but I'll try 😁

Yes, you can give it a try. Thank you 😊

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Aww so beautiful!
I love your design and the features you described... The logo shows a lot about what the service is for, and I think that's the aim of every logo 😊

All the best with the contest dear.

Posted from

Thank you dear. Happy birthday to you 🎂🎂🎂

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nice concept so minmalism, thanks for being part of the contest

entry #12

It's my pleasure. Thank you