How to register a bike bought at auction

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

Details of traffic law fines: Many people want to know how much money is fined if there is a case under any section… but one thing to keep in mind is that if the yellow traffic police (wearing a yellow hand cut coat on the dress) has filed a case, you will have to pay double fine. In other words, in case of a case of 300 rupees, a fine of 600 rupees has to be paid.


How to register a bike bought at auction:
Any auction (police station, customs)
01 . Paper Cutting
02 . C.S. Copy / Comparative Statement (C.S. Copy)
03 . Accept the highest tender
04 . Sales order
05 . CC determination by BRTA Motor Vehicle Inspector
06 . Money deposit receipts
07 . Comments from the customs officer
08 . Customs Officer's clearance
09 . Customs delivery order
10 . Customs delivery memo
11 . Customs delivery invoice
12 . Auction buyer's promise
13 . Affidavit of 150 rupees from the seller
14 . Affidavit of the buyer 150 rupees
15 . TO, TTO, Sales Receipt
16 . Buyer's TIN Certificate
17 . The vehicle was inspected on the spot by the motor vehicle inspector.
18 . Fill out the H form
19 . Approval of Director (Eng.) BRTA
20 . Money deposit receipts
Then the registration process is general bike registration
Just like the process.

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