Time To Get To Know The Facts About Lamborghini.

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

Time To Get To Know The Facts About Lamborghini.


Lamborghini one of the most luxurious cars in the world owned by the rich and famous. If ever I won the lottery I am definitely buying a Lambo.

Fact 1 - Founder Of The Company

The company was founded in 1963 by Ferruccio Lamborghini. Ferruccio was interested in farming machinery. Ferruccio Lamborghini sadly passed away on 20 February 1993.

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Fact 2 - A Lamborghini Tractor sure has a nice to it if you are a farmer.

Hard to believe that the name Lamborghini can be associated with tractors, but yes it's true. In 1947 the company saw an opportunity in the market for agricultural vehicles there was one problem for farmers and that was the cost of petrol to run the machine, this was later fixed by switching to diesel

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Fact 3 - How Did Lamborghini Come About.

A direct competitor of Lamborghini is Ferrari but all credit should go to Enzo Ferrari for the existence of Lamborghini(I say that sarcastically).

Ferrari used agricultural clutches in the sports cars and often broke which made Ferruccio upset. He went directly to Enzo about the problem but the tempers grew too strong and Enzo suggested Ferruccio sticks to working on tractors and according to legend, Ferruccio took it as a challenge and went on to create his own sports car.
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Fact 4 - Car Named After Bulls.

Lamborghini loved watching the Spanish bullfights in his spare time. He associated the bulls with power and for that reason all that most of Lamborghini's models have been named after famous bullfighting bulls.
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Fact 5 - Lamborghini’s Type Of Tyres.

Brand loyalty is key to the brand of Lamborghini for that reason every Lamborghini that is produced is fitted with a set of PIRELLI tires. Lamborghini produced a one of its kind Aventador dedicated to PIRELLI.
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Great photo, would go with my series of articles Automobile Time Travel. Let's see if I can get one of those in front of the lens. I've already written an article about the Lamborghini Countach (LP 400).
Hornet on tour