Land Rover Fun Facts

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

Land Rover Fun Facts


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Land Rover has to be one of the most premium SUVs one can ask for and below I listed some facts you might know or like me just found out.

Fact 1 -When Did Land Rover start?
The first-ever Land Rover was built after world war II by brothers Maurice and Spencer Wilks.

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Fact 2 -Always a luxury vehicle?
The land-rover was initially made to be a utility vehicle.

Fact 3 - Land Rover part of the military?
The Land Rover was the car of choice when it came to the Military.

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Fact 4 - Road Rover?
The first Range Rover was named Road Rover thank god for the name change after the 50s.

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Fact 5 - The Land Rover Discovery.
The Land Rover Discovery was introduced to the Land Rover family in 1989.

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