Facts About SEAT

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

Facts About SEAT


Fact 1 - SEAT Its In The name
Sociedad Espanola de AutomovilesTurismo was quite a long so they did an acronym that we all know today as SEAT. Thank god they decided to shorten the name

Fact 2 - SEAT World Reach
SEAT is placed in 77 countries around the world, not as big as some of the big-name players

Fact 3 - The First Car
The first car produced by SEAT was a 1400 saloon, not what most expect giving the models we started seeing in the modern era.

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Fact 4 - Forming Dates
SEATwas formed in 1950.

Fact 5 - Growing Brand
Since the first car SEAT when on to manufacture 16,000,000 cars.

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