Facts About Mini

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

Facts About Mini

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Mini is one of the most productive brands in the UK. They have an assembly line in Oxford with their panels and engines coming from Swindon.

Fact 1 - BMW Influence
Since BMW relaunched the brand in 2001 they have produced more than 3,000,000

Fact 2 - Exporting Cars
The Mini Plant in Exported 80% of the cars they made thus making number 3 in the list of most exported cars in the country.

Fact 3 - World Wide Reach
Mini has a great reach around the world with exporting to around 110 countries.

Fact 4 - Work ethic
The plant in Oxford employs around 4000 people producing over 1000 cars a day.

Fact 5 - BMW Cares
BMW invested of 750 million euros in the business which secured 5600 jobs

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