Facts About Lexus

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

Facts About Lexus


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Fact 1 - The Very First Lexus
The very car Lexus unveiled was the LS 400. They unveiled the car in Cologne, Germany. Lexus felt they wanted to do it closer to home.

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Fact 2 - The Lexus Reach
You can Lexus operating in 90 countries on six continents.

Fact 3 - Lexus Born In Japan
Although Lexus was born in Japan. They only open up their dealerships in japan in 2005

Fact 4 - First Hybrid To Race
Lexus became the first company to enter a production hybrid to race in the Nürburgring race.

Fact 5 - Attention To Detail
Lexus took pride in its detail. The team members carried around fake nails to touch each button to make sure it was perfect this idea was to make them get a feel for different customers.

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