Facts About Dodge.

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

Facts About Dodge.


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Fact 1 - Dodge Bicycles
The brothers of Dodge started a business called Evans & Dodge Bicycle, Now some people may laugh but before they perfected cars they were perfecting bicycles.

Fact 2 - Selling Dodge Before The Car Was Made. The brothers held a very high reputation in the community, Businessmen started opening dealerships before the brothers made the first car, and by 1916 they became the best selling car in America.

Fact 3 - The Dodge Viper.
The Dodge Viper made its tv appearance in the 90s, feature in the hit show called Viper. People heard the name Viper always went straight to think of Dodge. it was also a decent show to watch.

Fact 4 - The car of steel, in 1914 Dodge brought on their first set of innovation by creating an all-steel car, They went on to create 70 000 of these models. Dodge is most certainly a brand of car you would want should you consider keeping it for a long time.

Fact 5 - A good music influence, the brand itself has influenced many musicians to create hit singles, the singers that took inspiration from Dodge are Bruce Springsteen, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and many more, they have all incorporated Dodge into their songs.

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