Facts About Audi

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

Facts About Audi

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Fact 1 - The Founder Of Audi August Horch
The founder of Audi was a german engineer, he started off as a blacksmith before getting his engineering degree, he worked with Karl Benz.

Fact 2 - A.Horch and Cie
Before opening Audit Agust Horch opened up A.Horch and Cie. Due to legal issues, he had to drop the name and ultimately went with the name Audi.

Fact 3 - A Latin Influence.
The meaning of Audi in Latin is "Listen".

Fact 4 - Audi Crash Test
Audi has been crashing testing cars for over 75years to show everyone how safe their cars are.

Fact 5 - Space Travel
Audi is planning on sending Lunar Rover powered by Quattro to the moon

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