The saddle height of the bike is key and its importance

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

Many of you riders will notice that most of the motorbikes that are given from the website or the company manual are given the height of the bike seat. Many people wonder what the height of the bike really is. What is the importance of this? At least everyone wonders what it really takes to buy a bike or make a choice.

Today, through this article, I will make it clear to you that the seat height of a bike is really useful for bike riders or what kind of seat height should be chosen when choosing a bike?


What is the saddle height of the bike?
The saddle height or seat height of a bike is actually a measure of the height of the ground or road from the lowest position of the bike seat when the bike is standing straight on the ground. Standing straight here is the height when the bike is on the tires. When the bike is parked with side stand or middle stand, the height is not. And this height is measured in millimeters and it depends on the type of bike, suspension system dimensions etc.

Does saddle height vary according to the type of bike?
The answer to the above question is yes. Saddle height varies according to the type of bike. Since the bike is used for different tasks according to its type, the saddle varies according to the height and different types. Due to the different engineering techniques and designs of different types of bike manufacturing companies, different types of bikes come in different shapes, sizes and heights. And it is at such a height that the rider can easily touch the ground.

What kind of bike is a saddle?
Sports Bike:

These bikes are my ultimate favorites so I started with that. The saddle height of sports bikes is usually a little higher than normal bikes.

This is because most sports bikes require a lot of ground clearance and this high altitude is useful for fast cornering and fast cornering with short and thin bucks.


Cruisers have the lowest saddle height of all conventional bikes.

Cruisers usually have a very heavy and thin V-twin engine in front of the rider's seat, so there is plenty of space to place a large size saddle, and this heavy engine has a very low saddle to balance while riding the bike.

Off-road, dual and supermoto:

Since these types of bikes are mainly designed to keep the rider away from dust or mud, these bikes are usually much taller. The saddle height is also much higher so that the rider can walk a lot of bad ups and downs without any injury or shock.

Looking at these bikes you may feel like you are riding a horse. But, whenever the rider gets on the bikes, due to its suspension system and the weight of the rider, it gets much lower and ensures your comfortable riding.

Size matters, but what is the shape?
Shape is always a matter of everything. But, in the case of the saddle and the same thing?

Yes, shape is also an issue with saddles. Usually manufacturing companies make more low saddle height bikes to sell more bikes, because high height saddles are usually not what people of low height want to buy. Many companies want to sell more bikes in the market by comparing the saddle height of their bikes with the bikes of other companies. But, they are just one side of the whole story. In general, the off-road bikes with more saddle heights that come for many way rides tend to have more saddles because they provide enough space for the rider's legs to expand. Although the saddle heights of the saddle heights are sky-high, the saddle riders of these bikes connect their feet to the ground with maximum comfort.

Ordinary sports bikes, on the other hand, tend to be taller with wider seats because they have an engine with an in-line configuration underneath the seat, which greatly reduces this height. The surface area given to sports bikes usually makes their riders feel a lot of NG to touch the ground because, to cover this wide saddle, they need to extend their legs more.

Is high altitude dangerous?
This is another question that many people have different answers to. While it is true that if a rider can easily connect his 2 feet to the ground, his confidence increases a lot while riding. However, the issue of this bike choice becomes very controversial when the shape of the rider's body is also compared with the bike. Since the weight of the bike also helps a lot in keeping the bike low, high weight bikes with low weight are only recommended for off-road riding. But with a heavy bike there should always be a seat at a low saddle height as it helps to keep the bike at least upright. In short, the issue of bike choice always depends a lot on the rider's personal opinion.

Short rider, no problem?
Bed riders always find it difficult to connect their feet to the ground from the bike. Therefore, a good riding boot which is always used for the main purpose of protecting the ground during an accident, on the other hand it helps the rider to touch the ground a lot. Another idea is to always ride the bike in such a way that the rider always feels comfortable to touch the ground with that foot. In this way, due to the weight of the rider, the bike always tilts to one side so that the bike goes down a lot and the rider can easily touch the ground with his feet. Another way is to take some foam out of the seat of any seat maker or mechanic in your area and lower the bike a little.

All in all, a rider should always look at the saddle height of the bike when choosing a bike and find out which bike fits him perfectly.

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