Some tips for riding a bike in hostile weather

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

Hello friends, how are you? I hope your bike and you are both fine.

Now the end of spring, summer is coming, rain is coming. . .Bike on the road very well,
Suddenly a storm or rain started, what do you do in this situation?

  • Boishakh is coming, and Boishakh means Kalbaishakhi, the storm is a huge obstacle on the way,
    What to do if you encounter a storm while walking on the highway or normal road

  • As soon as the wind starts to blow, stop the bike and park the bike in a safe place.

  • There is more dust in the air during the storm which is very harmful for the eyes. So keep the glass of the helmet of the bike down during the storm.


  • Do not ride a bike during a storm. The chances of an accident during a storm are much higher.

  • When the storm is over then start your journey.

The rainy season is coming up. Some extra precautions have to be taken while riding a bike during this rainy season.

, * If it suddenly starts raining while walking on the road, stop the bike and take it after the raincoat.

  • Water accumulates in the glass of the helmet in the rain. So clean the water in your glass from time to time. Instead of a sporty helmet, you can use the normal glass of SAFETYMATE open (open the bottom of the glass) helmet. Very little of your helmet will get wet.

This is my advice. Here are the things to look for when riding a bike in this weather

  • Use a helmet

  • Take a raincoat with you when you go out in this stormy rainy season.

  • If possible, use clear glasses or sunglasses.

Hopefully these tips will help you to ride a bike in adverse weather. Stay healthy, stay happy, stay well with your bike.

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