Bike theft prevention

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

It is possible to prevent bike theft by following the following points


01 . The bike must use a disc lock. In this case, it is very important to use a good company's disk lock. It is often seen that if the thief starts the bike and pulls it hard, the disc lock is broken. In this case it is better to use large type lock. The lock of Mobaz company gives quite good safety.

02 . Don't forget to leave the bike in a secluded place. In this case, no matter how much you lock the bike will not work. I have seen many times that a thief came and claimed to be the owner of the bike and took the bike in the van saying that he had lost the key. At this time, the common people also help to get the bikes in the van.

03 . Security alarms help a lot in preventing bike theft. So try to install a security alarm bike from a good company that works long range.

04 . The bike can be fitted with an engine immobilizer sensor system. In this case, the thief will not be able to start the bike even if he turns it on with the key.

05 . You can put the engine kill switch with the connection to the engine of the bike and you must hide it in a secret place so that no one but you knows. In this case, the smaller the switch, the better.

06 . You can put GPS tracker of any company on the bike. There are some good trackers available on that show 100% accurate location. If necessary, after leaving the bike in any place, first check whether the GPS tracker is showing the exact location.

07 . Never keep security alarms and GPS trackers side by side on the bike. Try to place the GPS tracker in a place where it is hidden as much as possible.

08 . If you want to leave your bike and go somewhere, you must try to keep it in a place where people gather more. It is best to leave the bike in front of a bank or ATM booth as there are always security guards in front of them. If you give a bounty of 10-20 rupees to the security guard, they will keep an eye on your bike in a very good way. There will be no banks or ATM booths nearby. Park your bike in front of a shop and ask the shopkeeper to keep a close eye on your bike.

09 . If possible, put a good company grip lock on the bike and an extra lock on the chain spoke. These two things work pretty well.

10 . When leaving the bike in a parking lot, you must put an extra lock on the bike. Bikes are always stolen from the parking lot and no matter what you do then, the security guards will not be able to give you your bike.

11 . If you leave your bike and go to the restaurant, you will put the bike in a place where you can see it sitting in the restaurant.

12 . You can put an extra lock on the oil key of the bike. Oil key locks are available at stores that sell bike parts.

13 . You can design your bike uniquely so that it can be easily distinguished from other bikes. It works quite well. My own bike had a graphics design of my choice or an airbrush paint job that made it possible to recover my bike even after almost six months of being stolen.

14 . Try as much as possible not to give the bike key to anyone else because leaving the key of the bike key and then making the key from that print is a two second job. If you have to give the keys to the bike exclusively, do not give the keys to the locks that are used on your bike extra and in no way show where you have inserted the secret engine lock switch of the bike.

15 . Do not ride at night on unfamiliar roads while riding on the highway. If you want to ride alone, you must have a co-rider with you or ride with a group.

16 . Make sure the bike has adequate lighting to ride at night. In this case, you can install a good company fog light, but when installing the light, pay attention to the position of the light so that your light does not create an obstacle for the driver on the other side.

17 . If a stranger asks you to stand on the street, do not stand. Snatchers often use women and children to snatch bikes. If you see an address written on a piece of paper in the hand of a child and ask him to deliver it to that address, do not forget to do so. If necessary, take the help of the police if there is a side.

18 . Don't give a lift to a stranger on a bike at night, especially if you forget to give a lift to a woman. Then you can lose both your bike and your life.

19 . Use leak proof gel on bike tires. Many times snatchers spread nails on the road to snatch bikes.

20 . When riding a bike, use a full face helmet from a good company. Use body armor for long distance travel if necessary. A lot of times the rider is hit with something hard to snatch the bike. In this case leave the place without stopping the bike and increase the speed.

21 . One of the great tricks of stealing a bike at night is to throw something at the bike from hiding. In this case, the rider stops the bike to see what has happened to the bike and then the hijackers snatch the bike.

22 . If there is a loud noise while the bike is moving in a secluded place, do not stop to see what has happened and try to check what has happened to the bike by stopping in a place where there are people.

23 . When traveling at night, try not to stop at the markets on the way. Because it can make you an easy target for bike snatching.
24 . If you want to ride alone at night, try to follow a highway bus.

25 . When you travel to any place, keep it with the number of the law enforcement from the internet. Highway police and tourist police are very helpful in this case.

26 . You must use looking glass on the bike and make sure that no vehicle is following you. If you realize that someone is following you, take refuge in a safe place.

27 . If you see an accident in a secluded place, do not stop the bike there. Nowadays it is also a fad.

28 . You can install CCTV cameras in the parking lot of your house if necessary.

29 . When riding a bike at night, check in advance if there is enough oil. If the bike stops on the road due to running out of oil, there is a possibility of snatching.

30 . Keep all the necessary tool kits with the bike. If the bike is not damaged on the road, park the bike in a safe place before panicking.

31 . If a vehicle collides with your bike in an unfamiliar place, cut it off without further ado. A lot of times hijackers will intentionally get in trouble with you for stealing a bike.

32 . Always carry small parts such as clutch cable wires, accelerator cable wires, extra plugs with the bike.

33 . Never give a bike ride to an unfamiliar or little known cow for a test ride. A few days ago, a brother's bike was stolen from Hatirjheel for a test ride.

34 . Don't eat anything given to you by strangers on the way. Whenever there is any doubt in your mind about anything, be careful about it.

35 . Use body armor, ni-guards, hand gloves and a helmet of good company when riding a bike on the highway at night. In this case, even if the snatcher tries to physically injure you for the purpose of snatching your bike, you can survive because of all these accessories.

Lastly, if you ever get caught in the clutches of a snatcher and if they have a weapon, give them the bike without risking your life. Because the price of life is much more than a bike and if you survive, you will be able to buy a bike again. If the bike is stolen, make a GD at the police station immediately.

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