One step forward for professional women drivers

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 


Parul is the youngest of seven brothers. Their home is at Dhulipara in Comilla's Sadar upazila. Father Khalilullah is a motor mechanic by profession. Being the only younger sister of seven brothers, the brothers all love Parul very much. Brothers and sisters, parents and their happy family together. Parul is quite talented in studies. Her father died suddenly after passing SSC. A few days later the family broke up. The brothers each became separated. Parul is in trouble with his mother. In this condition Parul passed HSC. This is his thought to do something. You have to be self-reliant, you have to stand on your own two feet.


Meanwhile, one day Parul met Selim Sheikh, the owner of a motor garage. Selim is a disciple of Sheikh Parul's father. Parul took driving training with his advice and overall cooperation. After the training, he got a job as a private bus driver of Comilla University. Now Parul is a bus driver in full force. He chooses the most important and risky job. At first some people in the area made bad comments but Parul did not listen. Keeping confidence in himself, he is fulfilling his responsibilities properly.


Women are advancing in all indicators of social, political and economic progress in Bangladesh. They no longer want to be under house arrest. Women are showing competence in all kinds of professions. The new profession has been connected to driving, that is, women drivers.

They are moving fast in both professional and amateur positions. The advancement of professional women drivers is a shining example. This progress is being appreciated in all quarters of the country and in the international arena. Women everywhere are now working in tandem with men. The presence of women in exciting and risky professions like professional driving is also brightening the image of the country in the world court.

In search of livelihood, people go in search of work. Not only driving as a hobby, women are now joining the profession to earn a living. Adequate job opportunities are being created day by day. Many conscious people are becoming interested in hiring their personal car or any office-company especially food, various necessities manufacturing companies in their car or small freight car.

In this context, the Minister of Road Transport and Bridges of the Government of Bangladesh Obaidul Quader said, "I urge women to come to the driving profession." Because women are not reckless. Moods are more controlled than male drivers. Don't get excited too easily.

I am also recommending the recruitment of female drivers in BRTC to get rid of the accident. Women fly planes, fly in the sky, have DC, SP. There are many women at the policy-making secretary level. In the current context of the country, women are nowhere behind. Everyone should encourage women drivers with men without discouraging them. And the passengers in the vehicle have to have an improved attitude. Rkam should be given priority.

Even a few years ago, pedestrians and eyewitnesses would be surprised to see a woman driving on the road. He also threw various comments for fun. Now that scenario has changed completely. When you see a woman driving on the road, no one notices. Sounds normal. At present, women have shown more success in driving than any other profession. Women are now turning the steering wheel of the car with efficiency all the time. Dealing with needs and problems. Women are many times more restrained in driving than men. It goes without saying that there is no accident rate. So many are expressing interest in hiring women in private or government companies. Recently, State Minister for Posts and Telecommunications Tarana Halim handed over the keys of 10 vehicles of the Postal Department to 10 women drivers.

Secretary General of Bangladesh Passengers Welfare Association Mozzammel Haque Chowdhury said the professionalism of professional women drivers has continued in the country for the last one decade. I have no information about any accident in which the woman driver is responsible. I have found out by contacting the organizations that have hired women drivers, they have expressed relief by mentioning two main issues, firstly, women drivers are punctual and drive carefully.

Second, there is a competitive mentality among male drivers but not among female drivers. Women are very responsible. In 2014, the government appointed a woman driver in the Department of Women's Affairs for the first time in the country. According to the latest figures from the Bangladesh Road and Transport Authority (BRTA), 23,098 women drivers have obtained licenses. Of which 1009 are professional women licensed. Among the professional women drivers, only 18 have got heavy driving licenses.

Every year many people die prematurely due to road accidents in the country. The main reason behind these accidents is the lack of proper training of drivers. According to a 2016 survey by the World Health Organization, 55 people die every day in road accidents in Bangladesh. With the aim of freeing people from this death trap, the National Road Safety Council undertook a project to train women drivers under the direction of BRTA. A unique example is set by providing training to women in driving. By providing driving training to women, they have become ideal and skilled drivers. These trained women are capable of driving all types of vehicles. However, these trained women drivers want to take up driving as a profession.

The women of the country are moving forward by overcoming various obstacles and crises.

Leaving the house disregarding social barriers and prejudices

The women of the country are moving forward by overcoming various obstacles and crises.

Disregarding social barriers and prejudices, they have left home and reached higher positions in the workplace. Most of the work that used to be done by men has now been started by women. Leading unrivaled bipartisanship at the highest level. The successful march of women is visible in all spheres including politics, judiciary, administration, education, medicine, sports, armed forces and law enforcement. And in a short time, women have become involved in professional driving. In order to change the society and keep the trend of progress in the national life active, it is necessary to create a safe environment for women and girls in all fields.

There will be no obstacles in the way of the girls. There will be an acceptable environment in the workplace, wage inequality, behavior and attitudes will be well-established in the message of equal rights. Let women be the support and pride of every family. Respect and security for women in all walks of life and their work should be strengthened.

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