Motorcycle Riding

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 


Turning: -

There are several rules you need to know if you want to turn around. See the two pictures below. In the first picture, both the driver and the motorcycle are tilted. The latter is just a motorcycle tilt. But the driver is straight. All you have to do is move your motorcycle slowly and the road will be a little crooked - just tilt the motorcycle; It is important to keep your body straight.

These will require you to practice on the empty street. First check if the vehicle is coming from behind or from the front then follow these rules and you will see that you can cross the bend without any



A) Reduce speed (25/35 km :)

B) Look where you want to go (look away; not a few feet in front of the front wheel !!)

C) Counter steering! This is called counter steering as you have to push the handle bar in the opposite direction. It's weird to hear that, but many people do it unknowingly. If you want to go right, you have to push your right hand slightly forward. The left hand should pull slightly. Similarly, if you want to go to the left, you have to push the handle slightly forward with the left hand and pull it slightly towards yourself with the right hand. However, since the matter requires a lot of practice, rotate the handle bar wherever you want to go. Practice it when you learn to drive very well. If you want to turn very fast, you must know the counter steering.

D) Lean (tilt as required.).

What many do not know is that when turning, they may not be able to tilt as needed; Then the chances of falling are much higher (99.9% !!). You have to tilt whenever you want to turn any turn. If there is a slight turn, the motorcycle tilts and runs straight. If you see a turn in front, bring the speed of your bike to 20/25 km per hour. If you want to turn around, look at the direction the road has gone. You just have to turn your head and look. Do not shrug. How much you need to tilt depends on your look. Of course do not try to stay straight by force. The more the motorcycle tilts, the more it will tilt, depending on how you look. You will understand when you see the pictures below. Do not reduce the throttle or brake at this time; Hold on to the speed you have (or even if you increase it a little, there is no harm - but gain.) Then your bike will tilt and cross the curve as needed. If the speed of your bike is high and if the turn is sharp - you have to tilt more. Your body and bike will tilt together, keeping your eyes on the distant road. If you look closely, it will be difficult to tilt. Depending on what you look at, how much of a road you need to tilt. The matter will be clearer when you see the picture.

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