Bike rules and caution tips on the highway

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

All of us have to ride bikes on the highway from time to time or for some work. Many people ride bikes far away as a hobby. Many of them may have a habit of riding a bike at high speed at the first open road, but many may not.

Check the pre-ride of the bike before you start riding the motorcycle so that you do not have any problems or accidents while riding the bike on the highway so we have this discussion today. Let's not know the issuesঃ

(1) Using a helmet:

No matter how skilled a rider you are, remember that everyone will tell you to use a helmet for the ideal bike ride. Many may not wear a helmet regularly.

They often have to deal with a lot of hassle in using helmets. As many have said, they can't see much of the surroundings while riding a bike. As a result, important road signage or guidelines are often not well noticed.

Again, many people have trouble breathing. Although the whole thing is actually a habit, so I say be careful to use a helmet to quickly solve such problems.

I have heard from many people and I myself have faced such a situation several times. After using the helmet, you will feel that the speed of the bike is much less than the meter display of your bike.

However, such thinking can lead to disaster. Because, wearing a helmet, the air pressure around you can put so much pressure on your head that the speed of the car may seem too low, so it is better to practice it little by little.

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Your job as an ideal biker will be to take no risk on your life just for the slightest laziness of the habit.

(2) Control over speed

Controlling speed is a very important issue when riding a bike on the highway. Many skilled drivers have lost their lives trying to play with the speed of the car.

So, if you survive speed-shows on the highway with bikes, you can learn good stunts with good training. Try to ride the bike in the middle of the road very carefully and take the necessary speed.

Sometimes there are small holes in the middle of the road. These broken parts like long spots do not seem to be a problem, but they can sometimes cause good luck.

For example, in the midst of these long spots, the control of the bike can be lost in a moment by going after the wheel of your bike. So be very careful about these small things and of course ride the bike well on unfamiliar roads at a certain speed which will be within your control and so that you can control the bike even in unpleasant situations.

(3) Be careful between the bridge

Why do you think to be careful between the bridge or a large bridge? The air pressure between the bridges or large bridges built over the river is very high and very random.

So, if your bike is under the control of the wind pressure, then it is better to ride the bike carefully at a controllable speed, even though all the bikes of today are almost modern with arrow design, be careful about this.

(4) Trouble of bus truck overtake

I have heard from many bike riders that it is often seen in the middle of the highway that long distance buses or trucks start competing to overtake. In many places, you must have heard the news of the death of many bikers or pedestrians due to these reasons. So when faced with such a situation, stay in a safe position like yourself. Never go ahead and overtake.

(5) Notice the speed breaker

Many times in the middle of the road, many people forget to pay attention to the speed breaker or because of the shade of the big trees on the side of the road can not be noticed at night. So, guys, in such a situation, carefully ride the bike aiming at the speed breaker or broken hole in the road. The risk will be much less.

(6) Driving vehicles and their movements

You always have to follow what kind of vehicles are moving in front of you and how they are moving. Because, all the vehicles that move with you are on the same road with you and they also have a certain level of speed and control.

It is not uncommon for a car to lose control and crash into your bike. So be careful about this. And keep an eye on their movements while moving behind heavy vehicles. Be careful behind or on the side of open rod, bamboo carrying vehicles.

(7) What to do when it starts raining on the road:

Rain can start at any time during the rainy season. Many may be accustomed to riding bikes in the rain. But if you are inexperienced, it would be better to stand somewhere and ride after the rain subsides.

It is very difficult to keep the tires of your bike in the rain or gripping or keeping the wheels in line with the road. If you watch a professional race, you will see that when there is a race in wet weather, the racers change the wheels of their bikes after a while.

This type of tire is called wet tire. If you have wet tires, the speed of your bike will decrease and there will be a problem of gripping again. So be very careful about these things.

(8) Aiming at the bend of the road

The turning point in the middle of the road means look at the bends and understand how you can ride that place. Understand the advantages and efficiency of your bike and cross the place by turning or cornering between these turning points.

Depending on the shape of your wheels, how do you get through this type of space? For example, the wheels of FZ bikes have a slightly rounded shape so you can turn or corner them well. Other bikes such as Pulsar or Hank can get in trouble if you drive carefully.

Look at some things differently in this regard

  1. Whether the road is uneven or broken.

  2. How wide is the bend of the road for cornering

  3. Whether slippery or muddy

If you have the above, cornering can be dangerous for you.

Lastly, whenever you ride a bike, think about your own life and ride a bike. Follow caution and rules.

Do not risk your life by driving recklessly. Whenever you ride a bike on the highway during the day or at night, keep a close eye on everything around you. Check your headlights well at night and then get out on the bike. Make sure you use transparent and good quality lights. This will reduce the risk to your own life. Hopefully, following some of the above precautions will make your bike riding safer, so ride the bike at your own risk to enjoy the full fun of riding the bike on the highway. Remember, an accident can be a cry of imperfection throughout your life.

Drive the motorcycle carefully. Stay safe, stay healthy.

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