Hello All...
Self-driving cars are a new wonder in this age of technological advancement. A car that runs without a driver! You get in the car, turn on the self-drive mode and go to the office after a good night's sleep. How much better it would be, right? Car companies are working day and night to build self-driving cars for the public. Self-driving cars are another step towards the development of the human race.
Future when present:
Many car manufacturers now make self-driving cars. Giant automobile companies such as Google, BMW, Audi, Nissan, Volvo, Toyota, Honda and Tesla are working to build self-driving cars. We also saw the car made by Google running on the road. But limited. They are working with the cars and they are still working to make the cars a little more believable and increase the dependency.
(image soruce: internet)
How to drive a self-driving car:
Self-driving cars are mostly driven by cameras. Also see if there are other vehicles on the road, in the vicinity through leaders, radar and sensors. A leader is a system through which laser light can be used. These systems are sent to the car operator through a software.
Manual mode:
Most self-driving car companies also incorporate manual mode into their cars. So that people can drive cars like any other ordinary car. If you want, the passenger can sit in the back seat. For those who manufacture these cars, the manual mode is a reliable approach. This is probably the only way to get this car off the road by law. Which means it's about to be the most delusional time of the year, as well.
(image soruce: internet)
Accident Liability:
The biggest concern with self-driving cars is who will be responsible if there is an accident on the road. Now if the car runs in manual mode then maybe the passenger seat will be Darvar's. And if the car runs in self-driving mode and any other accident / problem occurs then the responsibility will have to be taken by the car manufacturing company.
Thanks all...
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