The Merc AVTR or shall I say Avatar

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

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For a few weeks I have been doing some research on this car. I have not personally seen one but what sparked my interest was the design and tech used to build this machine.

Some might disagree that this is actually a vehicle, to which I pondered how does one even insure this self driven car. Anyway that is certainly a topic for another day. I am more keen on sharing the specs.

It proved to be quiet tricky to get the price of the AVTR however the Mercedes-Benz ECQ below was estimated at $67,900 contrary to belief but this was in efforts to compete with Tesla's planned modelf Y SUV of $39,000.

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Back to the AVTR, you guessed it, it was inspired by the award winning movie- Avatar, It has organic batter technology and intuitive control meaning there is no steering. Amongst the insanely amazing features this vehicle boasts I truly beleive its a step in the righ direction for the future of the motor industry.


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