To inspire the use of helmets, two friends ride motorcycles together

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

To inspire the use of helmets, two friends ride motorcycles together


Two university students have embarked on a nationwide campaign to raise awareness among motorcyclists as well as riders about the use of helmets. They have taken the initiative 'No Helmet No Bike, Save Drive, Save Life' program to make the coronary holiday positive. 2 people will run this awareness program by traveling to 64 districts with 2 motorcycles.

The two youths are Mahmud Al Jannat, a fourth-year student of the Department of Nutrition and Food, Patuakhali University of Science and Technology, and Sajib Hasan Saj, a second-year student of the Department of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University. Both of them live in Chuadanga.

They started this awareness motorcycle ride in front of the central Shaheed Minar in Chuadanga at 7 am on Wednesday. Their plan is to travel around the country in the next 22 days. Campaign every day from 7 am to evening.

Mahmoud al-Jannat said, ‘Sajib Hasan is my childhood friend. We studied in the same kindergarten, school and college. Our mentality is the same. Corona was bored at home for more than six months in a row. Last October, the government also announced a holiday, so the two friends decided to go out in this campaign after discussing to do something good.

Mahmud said, "The number of motorcycles in our country is increasing day by day. Similarly, the accident rate is also increasing. According to media reports, most of the motorcyclists and riders are getting injured in accidents as they do not wear helmets only. But it is possible to get rid of it if you are a little aware. The matter has made us think. '

Lately, people have been following Sajib Hasan's comment, wearing safety equipment and driving according to traffic laws. Especially recently, many people are using helmets due to the strictures of the traffic police. This is a very good aspect. Even then, many motorcyclists are not wearing helmets. Again, many motorcyclists use their own helmets, but the helmet is not visible on the head of the passenger. Helmets, especially for children, are unknowingly forgotten or ignored. Sajib said, "Our nationwide campaign is to raise awareness about the use of helmets by all."

Want Safe Roads Chuadanga Branch President Alamgir Hossain said, "According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the use of helmets can reduce the risk of death by 40 per cent and the risk of fatalities by 70 per cent." So it is important for the driver as well as the riders to wear helmets. The use of helmets by children in particular needs to be closely monitored. Two university students have taken the initiative to make people aware of this আমরা we welcome it.

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