Audi e-tron: A good luxury car for you......

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 

Today i have a made a small review of a luxury car produced by Audi, a giant among stylish car manufacturer companys. It is Audi e-tron. It is a mid size luxury crossover SUV type car. The production of the car started at 2018 and it is still running. Basically it is a full electric car. That is why , I consider the car as a different one. The car is assembled in Belgium and in China. It has two motor and it is a four wheel drive car.



I am a great fan of Audi car. But it is a miracle that almost 1 year ago i don't know anything about the car. In a movie I saw a car of Audi. Then I searched about Audo car. And I was amazed. Audi is something speacial in car world. Audi e-tron is one of my favourite car of Audi. Tha is why I wanted to make a review of the car.


I have mentioned that it is a full electric car. It is motor which supply the power to the car. Battery of the car is basically lithium ion battery. There are different type of battery in the car among 95 to 71 kwh.



Wheelbase of the car is about 2928mm. Lenght of the car is about 4901 mm, hieght is about 1616 mm and the width of the car 1935 mm.

You will be surprised to know that hundreds of Audi e-tron units were ordered before its first appearance in ony Germany and USA. This statistics shows how excited people about Audi e-tron.

I hope it will be liked by you also. Thank you....

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