The One:1

in blurtrides •  4 years ago 


Swedish hypercar is one of the quickest, generally amazing and most costly vehicles at any point created. So exactly how great is it?

You could be excused for imagining that the Koenigsegg One:1 was planned as a web breaking image as much as a vehicle.

The presentation claims are difficult to register. Koenigsegg says it can go from 0-250mph in 20 seconds, and it as of late demonstrated it could go from 0-186mph-0 in 17.95sec.

I'm viewing at the computerized speedometer as it passes 200km/h and I can in any case feel the backside wriggling


The name summarizes the vehicle. The name is intended to be said as 'coordinated', as a declaration of its totally adjusted ability to-weight proportion of one metric torque to one kilogram of mass (or 986bhp per ton).

That is the point at which the twin-turbocharged 5.0-liter V8 motor is running on its supported eating routine of E85 Ethanol, which is uninhibitedly accessible in Sweden. Running on ordinary super-unleaded – as we are today - the yield is limited to simply 1160bhp, albeit that is still useful for 852bhp per ton.


A traveler ride starts things out. It's coming down hard and the guy accused of showing what the One:1 is equipped for drives us to the test track, a mile-long previous military runway that sits directly close to the Koenigsegg manufacturing plant.

The One:1 exhibits a slick stunt, naturally raising its ride stature for the hindrances on the leave street. GPS sensors additionally permit a battery of dynamic frameworks to be changed corner by corner on tracks the vehicle has learned, or which are downloaded through its interior 3G information association.


It's actually coming down and on the saturated surface of the runway something near open fighting breaks out between the One:1's motor and its solidness control framework, the motor rippling as the huge 345/30 R20 Michelin Sport Pilots battle for hold at the back. It never shows up: I'm viewing at the computerized speedometer as it passes 200km/h and I can in any case feel the backside wriggling.


And afterward, with shaking suddenness, the runway is moving toward sideways and the driver is hysterically twisting on inverse lock. Briefly or so he holds the slide, however then there's the impression of the pendulum swinging the alternate way and the One:1 begins to turn towards the hurrying green that edges the black-top. Luckily we don't experience anything more than wet grass as we sickle a 50-yard track off the runway and stop, the lodge loaded up with anxious chuckling.

The actual vehicle is chaste. Strolling back to where the turn began uncovers profoundly pooled water across the runway; even all that downforce couldn't prevent us from aquaplaning.

My chance to drive, and my heartbeat is hustling even prior to turning over the motor. The driving position is personal, sitting in close fitting seats and with basically every surface produced using either carbonfibre or shrouded in Alcantara. Three VDU instruments sit behind the guiding wheel, with the temperature show consolidating a 'power' check in PS that peruses to 1500. The speedo goes to 450km/h. Nor is misrepresenting.


A locating run demonstrates the One:1 is for all intents and purposes a pussycat at ordinary rates. The motor is manageable and there's a nice measure of force a long time before you arrive at the lift zone. The controlling feels extraordinary, pleasantly outfitted and with both good responses and some pleasantly weighted criticism.

The computerized gearbox has a solitary 'drive' grip and a subsequent that goes about as a brake to cut the hour of high velocity upchanges, however at trundling pace there's a faltering among proportions and an intense thump as the following one spaces in.

However, nothing will change the permanent laws of material science, explicitly the absence of grinding between the tires and the runway's smooth surface. A trial goad of the choke at around 60mph in third stuff delivers a cut of speeding up and afterward, as the turbos spool up, the back end begins to battle for grasp.

The dependability control functions admirably to keep everything straight, except I realize I'm just encountering a sparse level of the One:1's presentation. Pushing the choke down additional produces a Götterdämmerung of clamor and rage from behind the cockpit. The increasing speed feels gigantic, yet all through this the force measure doesn't transcend 600PS; I'm encountering not exactly half what the vehicle has to bring to the table.


We abandon the runway and move onto a portion of the neighborhood streets. Thinking of it as' the went up-to-11 rendition of what is now a track-focussed vehicle, the One:1 adapts well to this present reality, even on the restricted streets of this piece of the world.

There's astonishing consistence in its suspension and the guiding stays great at ordinary velocities, conveying pin-sharp reactions; clearly the Lotus Exige was the model for how all Koenigseggs steer. In any event, adhering to the top inch or so of choke pedal travel and the One:1 drives securely at such a speed that basically nothing else could contact.


Fortunately we have the next morning with the vehicle also. It first lights dark and cloudy, yet the downpour has halted – and back at the runway the standing water has gone, albeit the surface is as yet cold and oily.

After a delicate moving beginning I floor the choke as I select second stuff. The back end is as yet wriggling as the force shows up, yet the juddering of the earlier day is gone and the reaction is far more grounded. Through third and into fourth the motor is as yet erupting as the soundness control cuts in.

However, at that point, as the One:1 arrives at 125mph, the streamlined bundle begins to convey appropriate downforce and it pushes the vehicle hard onto the track. It's the most bizarre sensation: speeding up really increments. A look at the force meter shows it is highlighting simply over 1000PS as the motor methodologies its 8000rpm redline and the upshift blasts in with a briskness as the subsequent grasp does its thing.


There are a couple of moments to encounter the One:1 in full flight – the finish of the runway is beginning to glance huge in the windscreen and its opportunity to get hard onto the huge carbon-artistic brakes. In any case, it's sufficient opportunity to realize how exceptional this vehicle is.

Apologies, regardless of whether you have the fortitude to get one, you can't – Koenigsegg has just sold the seven it will deliver (a figure that incorporates the model that we drove).

In the event that you're enticed, and you can swing the seven-figure sticker price, you can in any case purchase the less ground-breaking yet similarly track-focussed Koenigsegg Agera RS, or put your name down for the approaching half and half Regera, a vehicle Koenigsegg cases will be much quicker.

Mike Duff

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