Don't Be An Ingrate Like My Friend Betty

in blurtreviews •  4 years ago 


Sometimes last year a friend (Betty, not real name) asked me for financial assistance, but it was quite unfortunate that I could not send the money before the deadline she gave me lapsed. She probably got angry and did not appreciate it when I sent the money much later. As small as "Thank you" is she didn't say.

I received a call from her as early as 8.00am when she requested for the money, and this is the first time she's telling me about it not like I have a prior notice. She said she would need the money by 12pm for something important. I told her I don't have spare cash at hand but I will try to get it to her before 12pm but I couldn't meet up. I was able to send around 3pm. I waited to get a call from her to tell me she's got it but I didn't receive a call. I waited till evening, I called to be sure she got the money, she didn't pick up at first. I had to call repeatedly until she confirmed she received it with some kind of unappreciative tone. Till date, she didn't appreciate my kind gestures.

Do you appreciate people when they do you a favor? Do you show gratitude or you feel it's your birthright? Are you always like this my friend?

Some people are grateful only when they get something massive. They don't show appreciation for little things.

Some are full of pride to appreciate their subordinate, they only say "Thank you sir" to people that are in higher ranks than them.

Gratitude can make people do more and more for you. It motivates people to help you some other time. It makes you worthy of receiving help from them in future. You would remain in their mind and on their list of people to help.

Be thankful for the smallest things people give you. Show that you are grateful.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Ok, thanks