Review of Card Maker a game of NEO blockchain !

in blurtreviews •  4 years ago 


This is one of the most played games, I got a lot of attention so I decided to go into the game and do a quick review, and try to understand what makes it so special and addictive.

Card Maker is an incredible game in the NEO blockchain, in which you have a token called Cake, the game is free, although playing it in the free version limits actions, there is a 200-point action bar in the account, there you can make quests.
card maker 2.gif
The combat system is in turn and simulated, you can choose the cards and perform your actions depending on the type of card you have, some are to strengthen the defense, others to improve attack stats, and others to harm the enemy.
card maker battle.gif
The characters have characteristics such as life, attack, defense and can be bought in the market, which provides an advantage for the enjoyment of the game, the better the character who has more battles could win and get interesting items.

It has a history mode where you can get resources which can be exchanged or sold, here is that is mainly the economy of the game, the monetary incentive that can be achieved by playing this game of rpg.

card maker quest.gif

There are exploration modes in which you need daily energy to make them, can be bought with Cake, if you have the opportunity to invest in this game should do so, is really profitable, asking a few questions to a few players in discord for private, most of them are Asian players and are fascinated with the game.

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