'Skeleton Key' Movie Review

in blurtreviews •  4 years ago 

This is a good scary thriller about the south. My west coast friends whom I saw the movie with were disappointed--I thought it would be scarier they said. Well, I guess it all depends on where you are from? The movie is constructed fairly well, although it dragged a bit in parts. It has a good amount of tension (they don’t give it all away in the beginning), a good setting--what could be better than an airy Louisiana mansion isolated in the swamp? Its a bit light on characterization, I wish I had known more about Caroline. There is some very nice acting, camera work and a very good twist at the end.


Caroline, Kate Hudson, has grown tired of serving in a hospital. She says it’s too impersonal. She sees an ad in the paper for $1000 a week for a hospice worker. It seems like the perfect job, it will give her the hours and the money to go to nursing school, only its at a mansion in the middle of the swamp about an hour from New Orleans. At first it seems okay, the old lady, Violet (Gena Rowlands), is a bit kooky but that can be explained by the fact that the love of her life is dying, or his he? Ben, John Hurt, seems to be getting stronger every day. He doesn't act like a man who is a month from death's door. He seems convinced that he has been cursed. Caroline finds herself drawn deeper and deeper into the mystery and into the practices of Voodoo--but does she believe it or not? Another curiosity of the house is that there are no mirrors. Caroline is told it is because you can see ghosts in the house in the mirrors. Is the house haunted? What is the true story of the ghosts in the house? Will Caroline leave before the mysteries are solved? You'll just have to see--I won't give anymore away.


The plot is okay, it is a bit slow in places, but it does unfold nicely and the ending makes the movie worth it. The dialogue is good I didn't notice anything too wrong with their depiction of the Louisiana. I would have liked to know a bit more about Caroline; they really didn't develop her character enough. We are told very little about her background and what makes her tick. We are to attribute all she does to circumstances surrounding her father and his death (the story of which is repeated to us several times). But there has to be more to her character than that. There is some great camera work; like the reflection of Caroline in her car side mirror. There is a lot that is not shown in this film--which makes it work. I find recently horror/thriller films show too much and take the scare out of it.


The acting is great and is apart of what makes this movie work. Kate Hudson is great as Caroline. She gives life to this character. The lack of characterization for this character is no way a reflection of actress; it was fault of the writers. Kate portrays Caroline as a strong young woman who has taken care of herself and others for a while. She is intelligent and throughout the movie puts things together--she's not just a blonde screamer.


But the acting that takes the cake is Gena Rowlands as Violet. This is an awesome character with wonderful nuances make her seem intense, and real. John Hurt is good as Ben, the invalid husband. He doesn't speak much, but his looks are worth a thousand words. Peter Sarsgaard is Luke the lawyer that is looking after Violet and Ben. He plays your typical nice and helpful character. He did a good job.


All in all this is a good film. The acting and the ending make this film. If you enjoyed the likes of The Others or 6th Sense, then this movie is right up your alley. It’s a smart scary thriller and I enjoyed it even if my west coast friends did not.

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