"Firmo aims to build an infrastructure to create / execute financial contracts. Firmo will take the key components of smart contracts, such as their trustless and transparent nature, to the world of finance ... "
With such a strong platform, attacks on the security of financial transactions are minimized, taking into account that almost half of the smart contracts written in Solidity present errors of redundancy and vulnerability to hacking.
1- It is safer.
It has a specific domain and formally verified language.
The protocol used by Firmolang allows you to develop contracts with fewer lines of code, or use predetermined templates.
3-More Versatile.
Firmolang works with any Blockchain, currently works with Ethereum and is in talks with other important blockchains such as Neo, Cardano and Qtum.
Firmo Website
Firmo TechnicalPaper
Firmo Telegram
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Firmo Twitter
Firmo Facebook
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