So your friendly AI is coming to clean up climate change by ending humankind

in blurtreport •  last year 

Borrowed from Dan Bongino podcast on Rumble. I studied AI in the late 1990's knew it was coming. Well all your worse nightmares will come true. One can only hope it will be fast. Fools will think they will be protected but with no soul or consciousness the scenario is less than ideal.,on%20%20Rumble.

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AI is clueless - and has no grasp of Ethics.

Climate Truth.png

  ·  last year  ·  

It will fall apart before it can take over. We can see this effect already, the world is topsy turvy, surreal. The "realities" that have been crammed down our throats are disintegrating. It's kind of cool to watch, performance art.

  ·  last year  ·  

very surreal...

  ·  last year  ·  



I'm an old dope-smoking hippy - but I live a crappy life. Haha! My cannabis use is medicinal (as all use is) to aid with removing pain from My arthritis.

  ·  last year  ·  

Hey does that work? All I ever got was a buzz helped me use other drugs-now I'm just an old hag watching the world turn to shit! Friend of mine wants me to do iawaska(see brain can no longer spell) just can't bring myself to do it.

It works for Me - high quality medicinal. The pain doesn't exactly go away, but it no longer matters... Haha!

Some day I will do some ayahuasca. Just never had access.

  ·  last year  ·  

Oh really?!