The prophet

in blurtreligions •  4 years ago 

...the story of #Elijah and the #Zarephath woman is often used by many to hoodwink widows to pay whatever they have for the "man of God" to his way with whatever they have. The things they don't tell you are these,

(1) God spoke to the woman that He was sending help to her.

(2) God told the Prophet that He had already instructed a widow woman to take care of his needs.

(3) The woman was waiting for the Prophet to come until she had almost no other hope of another meal.

(4) God told the Prophet to go when it was time. The Prophet probably delayed on his journey but eventually went.

(5) When the "offerer" and "receiver" met, both could agree to give and receive because both had been spoken to by GOD. Elijah was bold to speak on behalf of GOD without fear of whether it would be or not.

(6) The faith of both were kindled to believe because it was exactly as GOD said. The Prophet found a Widow and the Widow found a Prophet according as GOD had instructed both.

(7) Both lives were changed when they both obeyed. It was an instant answer to their two requests. Imagine if the woman had to wait another year before the cruse of oil started flowing?

When GOD makes a demand from you, HE is always specific and clear. If any man tells you "God said you should give an offering" and GOD hasn't told you so, walk away from a thief and a robber. Even if he is wearing a cassock and is highly placed in the society, he is still capable of lying and deceit.

#GOD cannot be mocked! Our prophets should speak clearly and not be assuming based on political permutations and falsehood. If GOD tells me to tell you that you should pack your bags and get ready to go, mine is to tell you and yours is to talk to GOD and not me. Long before HE sends a prophet, He would have also spoke to you

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