They Both Exist Side by Side.

in blurtreligions •  2 years ago 

The good and the bad exist side by side but most humans are delusional to think they can only expect the good. I am not saying it's wrong to have expectations of only good things but it is wrong for anyone to think because they wished for it that's what would only come. Life happens to us all whether we are prepared for it or not and this is what I am driving at in the book I am presently writing. I am sharing my experience in life and how we need to not only prepare for it but to expect less comfort from others when life happens. People will only comfort you but you but you have to steer yourself in the direction you desire.


It is naive to think that the planting of good exempts us from the presence of bad. In the parable of the sower in the Bible, this is accurately justified. Just because God allows wheat to be planted doesn't exempt the presence of the weeds. For every cloud, there is a dark part. You can't be wheatful without being weedful. Nobody succeeds accidentally because it takes a conscious effort. Sometimes these hardships we have along the way are for us to understand the value of what we have or what we are going through. If the wheat that was planted wasn't good, the enemy wouldn't dare think of planting weeds to choke it out. This is even for us to have confidence that we have something good going with our lives when we have challenges rather than repeating "why me?" and being downcast.

Just because you pray doesn't mean you win. You will win eventually when you work towards it but prayer alone won't guarantee you anything. Prayer is to give you the strength you need but you still need to do the work. There is a place for work. To succeed doesn't exempt you from the presence of doing the work too. The farmer that planted wheat worked to plant the wheat and the enemy that planted the weed did also. There is nothing you can achieve without applying the principle of work.

It doesn't matter what people say about you...those who will hate you will hate you just as those who will love you will love you. When you have things going for you, you will naturally attract those who will want something bad to happen for whatever reasons best known to them. Weeds don't like wheat... they can't do anything to the growth of the wheat but would want to make it difficult for the wheat to thrive.

The parable of the wheat makes me understand that whenever there is a great potential for harvest, the enemy would earmark the spot for calamity. It's the same spot they planted the wheat the enemy planted the weeds. The wheat was planted first. The wheat attracts the weeds. When people see others having things go their way for them, they just want to disrupt that flow. Some people are just naturally bitter and they want you to struggle based on the potential that lies ahead of you. You are not just fighting a demon but you are fighting a system that has been launched against you. You have to learn to stay ahead, think ahead and exercise patience where necessary.

Corruption and destruction are two different things. The enemy that sowed the weeds couldn't destroy the wheat so he decided to corrupt the field instead. Your trials cannot stop you, people cannot stop you permanently but they can halt you... they can't stop your planting, they can't stop your rising, they can't stop your growth but you are the only one that can stop yourself when you assume a defeated mentality.

When people can't destroy you, they would want to corrupt your environment or frustrate you with those around you so they can lose trust in you. Humans are tricky and they would do just anything to bring others down just because they think they are not heading anywhere. If only they can focus on that same energy in their lives they might achieve something more productive.

The master in the parable knew there was a tangling between the wheat and the weed. He asked them to leave it alone else they would destroy the wheat. People would want to force you to take matters into your own hands but sometimes you need to learn how to "leave it alone". You are angry, frustrated, alone and feeling all manner of feelings but leave it alone. That is what they want...they want you to self-destruct because they couldn't destroy your moving train but they can corrupt it. Sometimes we need to have enough faith to leave things alone and grow in silence. be continued...

Reference for the Wheat and the weeds: Matthew 13:24-30

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Lol... well, this should be the reply of the day!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

😂😂🤣😂😂🤣 I couldn't help but laugh