in blurtreligions •  4 years ago 



"So, then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God", (Romans 10:17,NKJV)


Do you want to increase your faith? Well, the good news is that your faith in God can grow and increase. Notice that the scripture does not say, "Faith comes by having heard the word of God one time. "It says 'hearing' in the present tense, it means always. Sure, God's word can transform us in an instant, but most of the time, we need to hear God's principles in His word over and over again before they become active and are internalized in our lives.

The truth of God's word chisels away all the doubt and unbelieve that built up in our lives over the years. Just as a seed needs water daily to grow; your spirit needs the word of God daily to grow and outgrow unbelief, doubt and faithlessness. So get in the habit of meditating on God's word and dwelling on thought of faith, victory and hope. The more you fill your heart and mind with God's word, the stronger you will be so you can stand against the power of darkness.

When last did you find time to be in His presence alone, reading and meditating on His word? When last did you share out the word with friends, course mates, colleagues in the office and even neighbors that live around you, to help them grow their faith? The more you preach the word, the more deep rooted it gets into your spirit to lift your faith and the faith of your hearers.

The truth of God's word chisels away every doubt and unbelieve in our lives.

Lord, thank you for your word that is alive and active and growing in my life, help me totally submit myself to you today and always.

Thanks for reading. One word from God can change your life forever God bless you immediately

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