in blurtreligions •  4 years ago 



"Come to me, all you who labour and are heavy-laden and overburdened and I will cause you to rest. (I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls. "(Matthew 11:28 AMP)

God himself draws his sheep to him_ If you occasionally think of your old life when you served Jehovah, be sure that Jehovah is prompting you to return.jpeg

Every good father wishes to see his children happy and successful. No good father loves to see his children in distress and in lowly state. That is part of his responsibility as a father. So he plants the word of God in them from childhood, sends them to good schools and provides them with all it takes to make their future adorable. That is exactly what God does for the faithful. He provides all to make live comfortable for as many as come to Him.

Does your soul need refreshing today? God is constantly inviting us to step away from the hectic pace of life and come to Him to find rest for our souls. Are you facing challenges in your relationships, finances, career, name it, God has a Solution for you. He wants to refresh and give you rest, stop worrying. Even if things do not work out the way you planned or on your timetable, you can trust that God will turn things around in your favor.

Today, make it a point to be still before God. Quiet your mind of all the things on your agenda and just focus on Him. Let Him love you, let Him speak to your heart, and let Him fill you with peace and strength.

Even if things do not work out the way you planned, you can trust that God will turn things around in your favor.

Father, I thank you for your working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank you for loving me and setting me free. Thank You for giving me rest for my soul and peace in my heart today.

Thanks for reading. One word from God can change your life forever God bless you immediately

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