The Tomorrow War - Why THIS (↓↓↓) is supposed to be a Christian and what Hollywood is trying to do with its Framing.

in blurtreligions •  3 years ago 

This my dear friend...

The way Hollywood is preparing people for the last great persecution of Christians of the end times and what other false teachings are contained in this film, we will now learn all this together in the analysis of the film "The Tomorrow War" (War against Christians).

Let's take a closer look at one of the most successful films of this year. We will look at how Hollywood once again takes the Bible and completely twists it.

Before we go into detail and go through individual scenes, here is the trailer for the film:

Now guess who are the bad guys in the movie, the aliens or the humans? Now let's look at the first point to clarify this question.

Mankind will be wiped off the face of this planet in the future. Doesn't that sound familiar?

2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night; then the heavens will pass away with a crash, and the elements will dissolve with heat, and the earth and the works therein will be burned up.

Yes, dear friend, there will indeed come a day when all life on this planet will be extinguished. Everyone who has not washed his robe clean in the blood of the Lamb. Everything will become dust. But we also see subliminal satanic messages here, such as the New Age agenda, the motivation for yoga.

For those of you who do not know, yoga, a spiritualistic teaching, is meant to make you empty, so that the demons may find in you a beautiful empty house to enter.

Matthew 12:43-45 But when the unclean spirit has gone out from a man, he passes through waterless places, seeking rest, and does not find it. Then he says: I will return to my house from whence I came. And when he comes, he finds it empty, cleansed and adorned. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than he; and they move in and dwell there, and it becomes worse with that man at last than at first. So it will be also with this evil generation!

It is not for nothing that Kundalini Yoga is pictured as a snake, and we all know who that is supposed to represent.


Revelation 12:9 And so the great dragon was cast down, the serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him.

Yes, the Kundalini serpent that leads to your third eye is nothing but another representation of Satan.

But now we would like to look at one of the most exciting parts of the film, where the enemy of mankind, the aliens themselves are described in detail. These aliens are actually called "Sabbath keepers" in the film!

Yes, it is hard to believe, but you have already heard correctly, the people are framed now more directly in the direction of Christian persecution and the influencing messages are accommodated no more hidden, but trumpeted out ever more directly!

In this movie you can see how the whole military world is uniting to wage war against Sabbath keepers, because all other people will be wiped out.


Dear friend, this is exactly what the Bible also says. At the end of this world time, there will be two groups of people. In Revelation 14, we read about these two groupings. Once it is the people who have received the mark of the beast on their forehead or hand, and once we read who the others are.

Revelation 14:11 ... and they that worship the beast and his image have no rest day or night, and he that receiveth the mark of his name.

Here is the steadfast perseverance of the saints, here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith in Jesus!

Dear friend, here at the end of time you will find exactly only two groups of people. Those who bear the mark, and on the opposite side, those who keep the commandments of God and faith in Jesus. As for the Sabbath, it belongs to the 10 commandments just like the others.


Forget all the false doctrines that have been hammered into you about the mark of the beast all these years, it's always been about worship from the beginning. So Hollywood, mostly controlled by Satan's spirit, is subliminally impressing upon the people watching this movie that the main enemy of mankind is Sabbath keepers, and that it is time for the world to unite against them.

Dear friend, all this is what the Bible has prophesied to us and what will await every follower of the Lord in the end, which is why at this point I also want to conclude with Revelation 2:10 and encourage you to remain steadfast until the end of this world and to remain faithful only to the one true God despite all tribulation, as the whole church will do until its last breath regardless of all worldly consequences, in order to finally receive the crown at the end of this world time.

Revelation 2:10 Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life!


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