in blurtreligions •  4 years ago  (edited)


Isaiah 66:8 (NKJV)
8 Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as SOON as ZION was in LABOR, she GAVE BIRTH to HER CHILDREN."

Do you wonder why you haven't had so much results in the area of reaching the lost?

The truth is, the message of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is beautiful but the unsaved do not know. They sometimes can't SEE what you're saying!

The reason is because there's a 'god' - the devil, who blinds the minds of people from 'seeing' the beauty of the message we preach! Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:3-4, 3 But even if our GOSPEL IS VEILED, it is VEILED to those who are perishing, 4 whose MINDS the god of this age has BLINDED, who do not believe, LEST the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.*

The world is under the influence and control of the wicked one and we need to remember we were once under that influence too until light came to us. The Bible says in Ephesians 2:2, "It wasn’t that LONG AGO that you lived in the religion, customs, and values of this world, OBEYING THE DARK RULER OF THE EARTHLY REALM who fills the ATMOSPHERE with his authority, and WORKS DILIGENTLY in the HEARTS of those who are disobedient to the truth of God.

The dark ruler of this world who is the devil is 'diligently' at work in keeping people from seeing the truth of our gospel because nobody in his/her right mind wants to go to hell. He uses different channels to corrupt and blind people's minds. It's something he does tenaciously and consistently.

As a church, we have the privilege and responsibility as believers to take our stand in the place of prayer and use our authority in the name of Jesus to break the influence of satan over people's minds so that the light of the gospel can gain entrance into their minds.

Someone once said, "Don't talk to anyone about Jesus until you've talked with Jesus about them."

Soul winning is a deeply spiritual endeavour and we must know that we are warring for the souls of men and women. As a church we must be 'diligent' in praying for souls.

Our text says, "For as soon as ZION WAS IN LABOR, she gave birth to her children.When the church starts praying for souls, more children will be born into the kingdom!

The reason God placed you in that family, company, community or nation is primarily to win souls into the kingdom of God. Things will continue to go bad and evil will continue unless you you pray!

Rise up to the responsibility of diligent prayer today and begin to see the minds of the people open to the truth of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Thank You Father for the awesome privilege of praying for the souls of men and women. I take my place as the authorised one and I break the hold of satan in the lives of people. When I speak, hearts are opened to receive in Jesus name.

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