Lessons from the mass inductrination day 3 held on the 10th August 2022 via zoom

in blurtreligions •  2 years ago 

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It was a great time listening to great teaching from bro Eli. A lot of lessons were learnt and I just want to share few from the lessons.

Some of the important points learned from the words of God discussed in the Zoom meeting are:
  • The Bible should be our standard of learning
  • We should abstain from evil and hold on to that which is good.
  • In this world, we will experience been helpless and the only one we can turn to is God.
  • Praying is a commandment of Christ.
  • Many people pray and their prayers are in vain because they are evil. God does not hear the prayers of evil ones.
  • If a person praying is upright, God is pleased but if the person is wicked, such prayer is an abomination to God.
  • When we pray, we should avoid repetition.
  • Prayer should not be done to show off like the hypocrites.
  • If a woman is praying, should have a covering on her head and if a man prays, his head should have no covering.
  • God will listen to us more if we are doing what He asked us to do and acting according to His words.
  • The head of a man represents Christ. The head of a woman represents her husband. Putting covering on the woman's head is submitting to God. It means her husband is under the authority of God.
My former beliefs or expectation that was improved for listening at the Zoom meeting

From the teaching, we were made to understand that when praying, we should avoid repetition. Many Christians today pray in a repetitive manner, even some doctrines preach repetitive prayer. But as we have seen, Jesus Christ asked is to avoid repetitive prayers.

Ways in which the study affect us that can make us a better person that we can use in our daily lives

From the teaching, we were told not to be like the hypocrites who pray to show off. The whole world must not know that we are praying.

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Best regards


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