Osa meji, African Ifa might of witchcraft

in blurtreligions •  4 years ago 

Osa Meji


Osa Meji is also known as Osa Eleye, one of the African Ifa principle, a feminist power given to the birds and human

They live in heaven with God, (human, birds, God)
Osa Meji is associated with witch craft as irrespective of the gender

Witchcraft can either be a male witch and female witch, respectively named as OSO and AJE...it is reportedly said that the OSO's are in charge of drums during the craft meetings, and this meetings are usually done at late night, OSO and AJE are reportedly said to control powers of the earth as eledumore gives them divine powers and over looks their deals as they continue doing evil based on the controversial issue with Human and Witches, whosever who needs the power of the witches will either join or appease them by making etutu(called sacrifice) of so many local means of food and palm oil

They tend to take care of appeasers just because they felt of being cared for, that's why they deem it fit to keep appeasing the mothers
In OSA ELEYE ( also known as OSA ELEYE) it is explains what happens between Human and Witchcraft, human and the birds lives together in heaven, there was a lot of killings in heaven just to show supremacy between birds and human, then Olodumare in virtue to to end the killings, called them together to make an oath
Both of them took the oath and the killings stopped, after few years, there came a famine in heaven as humans were really hungry and after further contemplation without any positive response form the face the earth

Human started killing birds to survive, the scent of roasting reached Olodumare (God) he called them to other but humans didn't stop their killings, then the devil(esu) came and poison human minds that eye might wipe the race of humanity

So therefore, it makes the Killing strong, then Olodumare made his judgement and declared human guilty

Then the eleye started using their supernatural powers to fight human

Since then, no eleye will ever interfare positively in human affairs, they always tend to deal with all human race unless they are being appeased

And they are always appeased with food, since human started killing the eleye's with food

Thanks for staying back😘

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