My Spiritual Experiences with Miracle

in blurtreligions •  3 years ago 


There are people of different colors, religions and castes in the world. People are different not only from the outside but also from the inside. The desires of different people are different and the thoughts of different people are also different. As stated in this post, there are differences in religion, but it is not right to exaggerate or coerce others. I also agree with this a lot. Today, however, I will share some of my thoughts on religion and spirituality.

My Spiritual Background

I grew up in a Muslim family since childhood so I got my religious education from the Muslim religion. I have learned from the Muslim religion that religion cannot be exaggerated. That is, one should not try to convert anyone to Islam by force or by applying anything. It is a crime according to religion. However, if someone wants to know the issues of religion, then let him know if he likes it or not. In other words, work can be done to inform someone about religion. This was education and I am still adamant about this education. In the world we will see that the number of followers of some religions is increasing and the number of followers of some religions is decreasing. Some religions are majority, some are minority. Religious norms cannot be verified with these issues. Looking at religious books may be a criterion but not by looking at people or their work because all religions may have some culprits. But the desire of every human being is choice, so he can accept anything according to his desire. If someone accepts something bad or accepts something good, it is his personal matter and there is no chance for anyone else to interfere. I have learned from Islam that mass people or people of other religions need to be benefited, fed, protected, and put off from danger and so on by Muslim.


Naturally, when we look at different aspects of religion, we can see in all religions that there are good things. Some religions may have a little more and some religions may have a little less. But all in all, the words of religion are very good in most cases. By following, we can bring peace in our spiritual, daily, family and social life. Again, if one thinks that he will not be within any religious boundaries, but that he will achieve his peace by walking on his own, it is a personal matter. He can do it. The main teachings of the religious teachings are: Do not lie, speak the truth, benefit the people, feed the people, these are good things. The situation in some areas or societies has become so bad that those places may not be in a position to follow these good things. So religious beliefs will be reflected in different ways to the people of each area.

However, I have seen that in Islam not only good words are said, but also a law, economic, social, family system that if implemented, the problems that exist in the society can be resolved by following these. This is my personal perception because when I grew up I had the opportunity to study Hinduism and Christianity and comparison as well. Almost everyone speaks of an Almighty Creator. There may be differences in the way we worship, or there may be differences in certain doctrines. Such differences again exist in different groups of religions also. If it is said that the correct religion is in fact to give such an answer then the religions must be studied well. Only then can it be possible for people to decide which religion is the right one. But in this short life, people do not have the time, interest and language to study and sort out religious matters. So, since people do not know all the religions, they want to find good in doing good deeds. Many people do good deeds and some do bad deeds, but that work is within the control of the Almighty Creator and He judges it, I believe.

My Spiritual experience

I have developed a religious belief since childhood and still cherish that belief. 4/5 years ago, when I was finishing my studies, I was working hard for a job. Then after many attempts I got a job in a bank. But I didn't like my banking career. Firstly, I did not like the work. Secondly, there were some restrictions from a religious point of view. Something had to be done that did not support religion.

Source: Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

It was a difficult time for me and I wanted to quit my job. But thinking about family support and other things, I could not quit my job. On the other hand, the age limit in the job was also slowly coming to an end, so the opportunities in my hands were almost running out. It is not possible to enter the government service after the age of 30 in Bangladesh. But all I wanted was for me to have a government job that was at least the equivalent of this job. If this job is a job with any of the following positions and salaries, then if I change the job, many will question why I left the honorary job and go for a low paid job. Or it will be difficult to get other facilities including family support.

So, these days I started praying more and more. I prayed and did. Whenever I had the opportunity, I would try to pray for a long time at night at the end of the day. That time, five or six months, was a very difficult time for me because I could not do the job or leave. I could not find any kind of joy at my mind. On the other hand, I continued to increase my prayers day by day. At that time, I had only one request to the Almighty Creator so that I could get another job of this quality instead. Eventually I got another job and I left this job to join a new job. I am still employed. And I'm much better and happier now. So, I thank the Creator.

Course: Image by Samer Chidiac from Pixabay


Many people say that our actions are responsible for the results, that is, what we get and what we don't get is determined by our actions. Actually, there is importance of action but many people cannot reach their desired goal due to lack of luck after doing the action again. I believe there must be a Creator and He sees and judges everything. And his judgment is always correct. But we as human beings do not understand when and what something is good for us. I may be in a worse situation but maybe I could have been in a worst situation. So only God knows when it is good for us. I believe in action; action is required but as well as destiny. Believing in destiny means believing in an invisible Almighty God. I believe. What about others, it’s their choice. Here I expressed my own personal views and perceptions through today’s post. Many thanks to everyone.


Who I am

I am a lecturer of Textile Engineering in Bangladesh. I love to share my thoughts and ideas through blogging & vlogging so that anyone can be benefited from my effort. I write on Textiles, Online Money Making, Agriculture, Technology and random topics. Capturing Nature and Playing Cricket is my hobby. I am always a learner and wants to go to the moon with this #blurt community and chain.

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