Who am I? Where do I come from? What am I here for? Where am I going?

in blurtreligions •  4 years ago  (edited)


These are the questions that many people ask themselves, but cannot find the answers that really satisfy them.

I will give you answers to each of these questions according to the philosophical study I have made for more than 30 years.


Who am I?

I am a human being made up of 3 entities, which are Spirit, soul, and body.

El espíritu es una partícula de nuestro Padre Creador Universal, de allí que todos seamos hermanos hijos de un mismo padre. El espíritu constituye el polo positivo.

Spirit is a particle of our Universal Creator Father, hence we are all brothers and sisters of the same father. Spirit constitutes the positive pole.


The soul is the garment of the spirit and the archive-consciousness of the spirit. It is the resistance (neutral) or intermediary between the spirit and the body.

The body is the instrument or tool that the spirit uses to demonstrate life and constitutes the negative pole.


Where do I come from?

Because our spirit is a particle of our Universal Creator Father, that is where we come from, that is, our origin is our Universal Creator Father.


What am I here for?

We are here on this Earth world to settle our multiple debts from other previous existences, that is to say, to pay and collect debts (debts of justice or lives); out of jealousy, hatred, selfishness, but above all out of ignorance we have committed many injustices against other human beings or nature and we have become spiritually indebted and we must pay each of these debts one by one.

We are here to demonstrate Love, first with our own family, with our neighbors, with our co-workers, with all the inhabitants of our region, with all the inhabitants of our nation, and with all the inhabitants of the world; that is to say that we are here to fraternize with all our brothers, without exception and in that way to tune up with all our brothers and in addition to fraternizing, we are here to contribute to the progress of humanity, according to our degree of spiritual progress.


Where am I going?

To the extent that our soul is purified, that is, to the extent that it dematerializes, it becomes more sensitive, more flexible and more luminous, and that light is of our own spirit that begins to show itself slowly and progressively, and that soul will have as much light as Love has or will be as dark as hate has.

Every time the spirit acquires more Love, that spirit gets closer to its Universal Creator Father and that is where we all go.... to our Father, that is to say, it is a kind of limit, since the spirit tends to reach its Father, but never does.

What do you think about these interesting points for the human being?

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