in blurtreligions •  4 years ago 

Hey lovelies
Welcome to my blog
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese

Why do evil often prevail over good in our world?

You reap whatever you sow..

It's a popular saying.

But do people really believe in this?

I don't think so.


You'd live a good life that is devoid of evil if you know your actions have consequences.

If we know that all our actions and deeds is a seed that would germinate and one day produce fruits, then why plant the evil seed?

Selfishness, high handedness, injustice and cruelty rule our world.

Brutal killings!




These are the order of the day in our world today.

Human beings behave as if they are the author and finisher of their life, forgetting that God is the Supreme.

Religion spread so fast like a rapid fire but humanity keeps falling into the pit of wicked acts and inhumane atrocities.

Government workers are not paid their salary as at when due...

Citizens are brutalized by the government security agencies that are meant to protect them...

People's houses and properties are demolished without adequate compensation...

The rich treat the poor like they are nothing...


Each time I ponder about the state of extreme poverty in my country my heart bleeds. Nigeria is a country that flows with milk and honey but the wicked leaders do not care about it the public but only themselves.

Evil grows because we only talk about karma without believing that it is real. If we really believe that our actions have consequences then we'd only do good.

Break the evil cycle today.

Do good to everyone.

Good will follow you always too.

Thank you for your time lovelies.
The post is originally written by me 💕@debbie-ese💕


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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

My dear @debbie-ese

Always and Never to forget this: Afrikya will be the Future continent of abundance and prosperous life ...

When something was maintained and preserved as a third world and so many other non-sense stigmata placed on this awesome continent, while no one seemed to understand and know the TRUE story behind the history that was replaced and distorted during time, no one should have a preconception of something that most of the people around this world does not know and still believe the misleading news ...

Afrikya is the Mother continent, which after its peak of prosperous and adundant life from the Past, was kept and maintained as a poor continent, when in fact it's the opposite, and soon in the not so far Future, Afrikya will become that sacred place known as Wakanda :) Maybe with spaceships and all that environment but still the magic futuristic matrix.

The entire dual game was played to maintain this concept of a Afrikya that is poor, without any future, but soon the shift will be made.

The major fact actually, will be that Afrikya might be conducted by another continent.

Maybe you know already which one is this ...

Happy Holiday Season!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

We hope to see the future of Africa come now. We need our leaders to have the interest of the people at heart and not their selfish needs. If resources are well appropriated I am very sure the progress and development of the African countries will be incredible.

Happy Holiday to you too.