Is It True That God Himself Determines Man's Death?

in blurtreligions •  4 years ago 



It is God that decides when man would die or not and there are just two possibilities for that, either you will die young or your will die on a ripe old age. There is a cause for these two possibilities with regards to a man's early or later death.

Ecclesiastes 7:17
" Do not be overwicked,
and do not be a fool—
why die before your time?"

So there are people who dies fast like if a person would use illegal drugs at a very young age, if not a crime would take his/her life then the drugs surely will the soonest time. Like if you share needles with the same drug addicts, you will contract HIV in the process, then of course being a drug addict you are with not much money to support even your bad vice, what more if you get AIDS, you will die early for sure because of that.

That is just one example of dying early because you get so evil that you are just had abused your body, you are not obeying God which is why you will die sooner than you are expecting.

But what if you are obeying God's will, what will happen to your longevity?

Proverbs 10:27
"The fear of the Lord adds length to life,
but the years of the wicked are cut short."

God will add days to your life if your have fear on him and you are obeying his will. If God sees you that you are beneficial for your parents for example or to other people or if he could use you for the things that he wants to happen then he can give you a long life.

But if you had gone wicked your life will get shortened because of your own doing. If you will abuse your body through daily alcohol binge consumption or would smoke cigarettes' as a chain smoker then you will develop diseases of the liver and lungs, then you will eventually die sooner.

Now who made that to happen? It is you and not God obviously because God doesn't want you to be a drunkard and a smoker if not a substance abuser and such. If you are a smoker you will just be reducing your life of 11 minutes per stick of cigarette.



Bad Vices Such As Smoking, Drinking, And Substance Abuse Can Shorten A Person's Life

But one can say or argue "If it is your time to die already it is your time" but you have no idea how good God is because even if your are already old if Gods want to prolong your life he can do that because if you are obeying his laws and you are good at his sight then he can do that for you. So it is not true that God determines your death because you yourself can shorten your own life because of your direct abuse to your body but if you are good to the sight of God then you can also expect a longer life for that matter.


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