I Still Can't Get Over The Passing Of My Church Minister But I Have To Move On

in blurtreligions •  4 years ago 


Every Wednesday or Thursday night and Saturday night here in my country I would tune in to the recorded and live streaming of what transpired and transpiring for my regular church Prayer meeting, Worship service, and Thanksgiving services.

I am very eager to listen to the voice of our Church minister our bro Eli Soriano as he teaches subjects about the bible, teachings of goodness and kindness to other people inside and outside the church. Teachings of mysteries, expositions about the bible and all that.

But last month he just out of the blue slept for good and he is no longer around but his recorded teachings from the past, doctrines from the bible that a newcomer should learn from and even videos of his past bible expositions, debates from other religious sects and his past bible study videos.

So I am just lost like a boy who lost one of his parents, a spiritual parent whom in my lifetime I will maybe never see and listen to again. Bro Elis Soriano is a different religious leader, he is smart, cunning, and has a love for people in general. He didn't take money from the congregation for the humanitarian programs that he started although of course every church brethren is free to donate except those that are not permitted.

But even though the rather "untimely" death of my church minister had shocked the church we are already had been prepared for it because there is already a successor to take his position even though the skills and uniqueness of the teaching method, and charisma of bro Eli cannot be equaled we just have to move on and trust God on what he is in stored about the church with the new leadership of bro Daniel Razon.

So I just have to remain spiritually strong and stay on the course from what I have learned from the bible from the instrument of God back then and walk straight and not looking back so that I will not lose the saving grace of God for my spirit.

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