Traditional religions

in blurtreligions •  4 years ago 

Traditional religious is one of the accent religious in the world, however it's at a point refers and discriminated as a pathways to devils by some religious scholars and philosophers


[Source from pexels]

Traditional religious involves worshipping what you sees as your god, in some parts of Senegal, Poland, and ghana they worship stone as their gods while some of the Asian parts of the world worship water, marmaids, stones, bricks as their gods however their prayers are answer because they believe in what they served even with testimonies


(Source from pexels)

Traditional religions also pave ways for worshipping, praising, hailing of the dead great men for example some parts of Africa still worship the likes of obatala, sango, esu (satan), orumila, orangun, ifa, oya and the rest


(Source from pexels )

Traditional religions involves making consultation, consolidation and spirit confrontation with the gods, perhaps some parts of the world believes that all the pre-accent traditionists are the angels and workers of God and they're the one that's first sent to the world before the inception of other religions

Traditional religions is first and oldest religious in the world

Some sets of religions philosopher and scholar keep preaching that traditionist are not likely to make heaven because of their involvement with devils and other local gods while the traditionist are of the opinion that they're making heaven and they insisted religious is not the ticket or pathways to heavens

Thanks for reading

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