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in blurtreligion •  2 years ago 


God is the one that is in charge of time, if you see chance to do the good work, God would tell you to do it, He would show you the time to do it. So when we have the opportunity to do good, let us do it, it is a commandment by God for us to do it.

Primarily, teachers should be the one to learn what they teach first. Violence, problem should Nicole from a teacher, teacher should not always be angry, you should be in your composure if you are a teacher. Man naturally get angry but it's not good to get angry. Whatever you do where ever you are, you are a teacher and you must always be cautious, the way you dress, talk manner. Teacher must be a teacher even in characters.

No matter how hard your children is, as a parent, you should be patience to them, a good parent should guide and teach children with the doctrine of God.

Work for your child, it's not because of you only, it's because God command us to do it. The very first one you should please is God. You have mutual understanding, mutual care because that is the commandment of God.

If someone is blind or lame, let us help them, don't course them, it's abominable to God to course them.


Everything, including time is in the hand of God, so there are times that you need to do good works, God would show you what to do but if you didn't do it, there are millions of people that God would send to do it. Whenever we see the chance of doing good, doing it is the best things.

Once you are called a teacher, everything that you would be doing have to be a lesson to others. Teachers should refrain from causing violence, problems, trouble, etc. It is okay for human being to get angry but a teacher should be careful because anger is not good.

A good parent are the ones that teach their children Godly things, they provide for them, feed them, it's not just because of the children, it's still because it's a commandment from God for a parent to take good care of their children.

If you find those that are blind or lame, help them, it's an abomination to God if you course them or speak abusive words to them.

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