Prayer meeting

in blurtreligion •  2 years ago 


Faith alone can't save you, you need good works. Faith that has work is a living faith but faith that has no work is the faith that is dead.

For you to be please to God, you should believe that there is God and without faith, it's not possible to please God. Only God knows our heart, if you have faith in Him or not.

If you pray and what you asked for is not given to you, you should still believe that there is God. Some things are not given to you because of some certain things. Believe with all your heart that there is God, pray to Him with faith.


As according to the last prayer meeting, you need Love, you can't believe if you didn't love and there's no faith without love. The primary doctrine is love, so love come first then the good works you do, and it's not possible to do good works without you having Love towards your fellow men and the love that you have would make you do good works because we help only those that we Love.

I wonder why people go to God even when they didn't believe that there is God and that's a act of not having faith that God exist, they want God to do a certain thing before they believe that there is God but as a man, you must not test your God, just believe that there is God and God would be pleased with you. Have faith in your mind that God exist.

You need faith in God, without you having faith that God can do it, you are wasting your time looking for God or praying to God. Your faith must be a genuine one, not a partial faith, it has to be 100 percent faith because God knows your heart, he knows if your faith to to Him is Genuine or not, and he will answer your prayers if you believe in Him with 100 perfect faith, not even 99 percent.

Even when you pray and what you demand from God isn't given to you, you just have to believe that he will do it but he delay it because of one or two reasons, there is a reason for your prayers be on hold, believe in Him, have faith in Him even if your prayers are yet to be answered.

Pray to God with faith, that is all you need and what God want.

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