The Right Season

in blurtreligion •  3 years ago 

The best way to usher in things that you desire to see in your life is by speaking them forth affirmingly.
No weapon in the world is as stronger as the one you have in your own mouth, so by using it effectively to call in beautiful things into your life, you build a strong wall around you that no one else can destroy.

Here we go for today:

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I'm in the right season for the right purpose to manifest God's Blessings.

I refuse to ride on any war-ship in the remaining days of the year.

I live in wellness and prosperity, progress and peace, victory and favor.

Global Opportunities are at my reach and I grab them free course unhindered

Daily my life expresses God's faithfulness and I continue to walk in His preordained path for me without stumbling or falling.

(Go over the affirmations again and affirm them)


Your life is well watered and I see better you doing amazing on every side.

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