Flourish Like Palm Tree

in blurtreligion •  3 years ago 

Flourish Like Palm Tree:

"The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree:... " Psalms 92:12a

Taking time to observe and to study our subject of discussion "Palm Tree".

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image source](https://www.google.com/search?q=Palm+tree&client=ms-android-transsion-tecno-rev1&prmd=ivnx&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjPp8P9uvX0AhVNsKQKHb_zBHMQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=617&dpr=2#imgrc=LCcBm5b70Jdq0M&imgdii=KGywHbuHHBY-4M)

The writer King David is revealing the benefit of being righteous and liken our flourishing to it.

Palm tree is one of the most resourceful tree in the universe. Not one part of it is useless.
From it's leaves, fruits, the trunk, the stalk even to the root is useful.

They bear fruits in all seasons and live as long as you can imagine. They are rarely affected by climate change and they adapt to any environment. The sprout up even when their growth process is being tempered with.

That is how God has made every person on earth, but only restriction to our manifestation ignorance and arrogance.

Myles Munroe in blessed memory said that when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. Some individuals abuse the purpose to which they were created.

"I can't do this, I can't do that". What makes you think so?.

You can process oil from a palm-tree seeds, you can still get a husk of fuel.
That means, you can be a vision carrier or a vision helper. You be the brain behind some creative inventions or the hand that brings it into reality (the oil or the fuel).

Knowing your place and right in Christ can help you amass amass wealth in a very easy way. Arrogance in the other hand can make you resourceful and not useful.

You can not explore life beyond your humility level.

You are like a palm-tree, start seeing yourself in this light.

I wake up everyday telling myself, I have all it takes to get all and become what I want and desire.

You may not have it in all aspects, but there is one or two things God has endowed you with for the success journey.

I remember eating a spice of a palm from marshland, it wasn't sweet at all but my community people use it stalk for fishing. Interesting right?.

Someone wil say, but God blesses the work of our hands!

Yes and that of your eyes, legs, waist, tongue, and every other part. Like a palm-tree, maybe your leaves, your stalk and your roots is all you need to stand out tall.

Just discover who He has made you to be and shine in that light.

Don't limit yourself, you are designed to flourish in all season.

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