The Importance of Believing in God

in blurtreligion •  4 years ago 

Sometimes God has purposes destined for his children incredible he uses any situation or cause to fulfill his divine purpose in them and many times we do not understand the mysteries of God ourselves, but what we do know is that it is necessary and they are the best.
A man or a woman of God who possesses leadership does not drift because their paths are destined by God himself, an example of this can be seen when God firmly called Abraham to leave his hometown and go to a street unknown to him

It is important to remember that the city of Canaan could not compete with Ur of the Chaldeans since that was one of the most important cities in the time of Abraham and certainly every time people emigrate they do it to seek a better benefit, that is, people migrate from less prosperous places to more flourishing ones. However, this time Abraham had to leave better comforts because this place was very prosperous but not suitable for God to fulfill his purpose and for this reason he had to leave Ur because the cultural and religious environment of his hometown was not the best to develop the spiritual leadership God asked him to develop

Note that Abraham did not put any obstacles when God called him to send him to that unknown place because the male and female leaders of God do not look at obstacles or draw conclusions when God sends them, they only obey because they know that something great comes from him.

Hebrews 11:10.
"Because I was waiting for the city that has foundations, whose architect and builder is God."


Abraham demonstrated his faith by obeying God and leaving his home in Ur, pilgrimage to unknown lands, living long years in the promised land as a foreigner in temporary quarters, and patiently awaiting his permanent legacy there. This is the reason for the importance of believing in God because he expected the city that has foundations, whose architect and builder is God.

¡How beautiful it is to put our hope in the builder of foundations in the giver of life in the author and finisher of faith!


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