The Holy Spirit

in blurtreligion •  4 years ago 

Acts 2:4, And they were all filled with the Holy Spirt and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

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The Holy Spirit is our comforter and he was sent to be with us as Christ left to prepare a better place for us in the afterlife that we may spend eternity with our father in heaven.

The Holy Spirit is there for us for so many purpose some which include driving our direction in the path that the Lord wants for us that we may achieve the purpose for which the Lord have for us in this life.

For the Holy Spirit to be able to achieve this purpose we need to allow ourselves to be driven by the Holy Spirit, we have to be the vehicle that the Lord use to impact the lives of his people and Bless his sons and daughters.

May the Lord help us to enable ourselves be directed in the path he has chosen for us that his Glory will me manifest in our lives. Have a blessed week and thanks for reading!

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