Blurt Power Up - Grow Your account

in blurtpowerup •  3 years ago 


I am fine and hope you will be fine too.
I am here with you.

Let us see todays I am going to power up of blurt.

If we want to grow our accounts and wants to see dolphin level then we need to power up blurt.

Go to the wallet and select power up option I have 120 blurt.


I powered up total blurt that was 120/



We have to decide to power up option and it will be a wonderful thinking.

Thanks for visiting my post.

Regards: @amjadsharif

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Congrats on growing your account on blurt and giving it your all. Hope you will grow into a blurtwhale

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank You, I need support you all for growing it.