You need someone with whom you don’t have to pretend

in blurtpower •  11 months ago 

There’s always two sides to a person, their strong side, or pretending side where they act all tough like they can conquer the world, like they are not breaking inside at all, that everything is falling into place, and that their heart has healed or it doesn’t know pain.!!
and then there’s this other side, where they are up at 3 am, staring at the ceiling, thinking where it all went wrong, and how did it all fall apart? questioning themselves for the answers which will hurt them even more. carrying the hurt in every cell they have. behind that pretending is a human who’s scared to put their heart out in the world, scared to make their heart available to be loved again, because if you allow someone to love you, you as well hand them the key to your destruction!!!
so, yeah. you need someone with whom you don’t have to pretend someone who knows you’re strong and yet you can be fragile too; someone who knows you’re a grown a** woman who can take care of herself and also a little girl who needs to be taken care of;someone who loves you for who you are, and makes you feel like you should work on yourself to be a better version of yourself at the same time; someone who doesn’t keep you up until 3 am but is the reason you smile like an idiot in the middle of an office meeting, and when the boss asks, “what’s wrong?” you say, “nothing.” looking down, blushing....
you need someone who loves the broken you with their whole heart, makes you feel like you have always been worth of this love; someone who is scared to lose you; someone who always thinks you deserve better but is also ready to be the better for you!!!


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