La hija del jefe
Juan Rafael Klope se baja del bus muy cerca de la sede de la compañía donde comenzaba a trabajar ese día, un nuevo empleo lleno de oportunidades y sobre todo para el un recomienzo, empezar a trabajar desde cero en una nueva compañía, con nuevos compañeros, pero lo mejor era que nadie lo conocía, aquí nadie sabia su secreto, eso le daba la seguridad de dejar atrás las malas experiencias en su anterior trabajo que solo le causaron amargura, sobresaltos y una pequeña crisis nerviosa!!!, aquí nadie lo conocía, nadie sabía sobre su problema, mucho menos conocían el detestable mote que lo acompañaba como su sombra desde la secundaria y que de cierta manera lo habia marcado, después que se descubrió en su anterior trabajo tuvo que salir literalmente huyendo, no solo de los rumores si no del acoso de sus compañeras de trabajo. Cuando traspone la entrada de la empresa, cruza a pie por el estacionamiento rumbo a la entrada principal, apura un poco el paso al ver la hora en su reloj iba algo retrasado, quería dar una buena impresión en su primer día!!!, pero algo lo distrae, lo detiene, a unos metros de el una despampanante pelirroja se baja de su auto aparentemente averiado, abre la capota pero es evidente para Juan Rafael que la chica no sabe de mecánica, decide ayudarla y se acerca ofreciéndole su ayuda, la pelirroja le sonrie y lo deja hacer su magia, no es que Juan Rafael fuese un gran mecánico, pero dio con la falla un borne sulfatado que ademas estaba flojo, le tomo tan solo 5 minutos resolver el problema, la pelirroja se sienta tras el volante, le da vuelta a la llave y el convertible enciende!!!, la escultural pelirroja le guiña un ojo a su salvador y le agradece con una sonrisa antes de desaparecer junto a su auto, Juan Rafael sigue su camino y al trasponer la puerta de entrada, el viejo vigilante de la entrada le dice por saludo:
-Veo que ya conoció a la nena del jefe!!!, mucho cuidado joven!!!.
Juan Rafael estaba sentado en su pequeña oficina trabajando, hasta ahora todo iba de maravilla en su nuevo empleo, no solo por estar preparado para el cargo que desempeñaba, Juan poseía el don de gente!!!, así que le cayo bien tanto a su jefe inmediato como sus compañeros que con apenas 24 horas en la empresa ya lo trataban como uno mas!!!. Al mediodía cuando Juan Rafael se levantaba para ir a almorzar cuando comenzó un revuelo en la empresa!!!, se corrió como pólvora la noticia que la hija del Jefe, el dueño de la compañía que había regresado hace poco de cursar un post grado en una prestigiosa universidad en el exterior, sería nombrada para el cargo de vicepresidente de la empresa, Juan Rafael no se podía creer que una chica tan joven como la pelirroja que habia conocido ayer en el estacionamiento ya hubiera cursado y aprobado un post grado en economía, le calculo a la chica unos 23-24 años, parece que aparte de ser preciosura, la hija del jefe muy inteligente!!!, Juan Rafael caminaba por el pasillo rumbo al ascensor para bajar hasta la planta e ir a almorzar cuando se cruza por casualidad con la bella y coqueta pelirroja, la chica lo reconoce, y vuelve a guiñarle un ojo al pasar a su lado.
Juan Rafael subía por el ascensor hasta el último piso, su jefe inmediato lo habia enviado a la presidencia, para que buscara unas carpetas y documentos para un nuevo proyecto, luego de presentarse con su gafete la secretaria de presidencia le da los folios y carpetas que estaba requiriendo, unos minutos después Juan Rafael regreso sobre sus paso hasta el ascensor, entra y marca su piso, el tercero, justo antes de que las puertas se cerraran por completo, una melena roja como el fuego cruzaron primero.

-Hola buenas tardes, ¿te conozco de algún lado?-, pregunta la pelirroja.
-Buenas tardes señorita, la auxilie con su auto el otro día en el estacionamiento.
-Ya recuerdo, ¿eres nuevo verdad?, nunca te habia visto!!!.
-Si señorita precisamente ese día comencé a trabajar aquí.
-Ay!!!, pero que bien!!!, mira que buen ojo tiene mi Papito para contratar empleados tan buen mozos y galantes!!!.
Juan Rafael se puso mas rojo que el pelo de la chica ante el piropo, de la emoción se le olvido que iba hasta el tercer piso y bajo con ella hasta planta baja, la acompaño hasta la puerta de salida, solo para verla unos segundos mas contonearse, el viejo vigilante de la entrada que lo observaba desde que salió del ascensor le advierte antes de volver a subir.
-Joven, pilas con la nena del Jefe!!!, ¿me oyó bien?, pilas!!!.
Juan Rafael llega temprano esa mañana a la empresa, iba de camino a su oficina pensando en que no era buena idea ligarse a la hija del jefe, pero la pelirroja se le habia metido en la cabeza, si el Papa se enteraba seguro lo despedirían sin contemplaciones!!!, entra a su oficina y allí estaba la pelirroja esperándolo!!!, la hija del jefe se acerca, se encima sobre el, estira su brazo y cierra la puerta.
-Ya recordé de donde te conozco !!!-, le dice la pelirroja y sin mediar mas palabras le estampa un beso con toqueteos incluidos, terminado el asalto la chica le susurra al oído:
-No le digamos nada a mi Papito... Ñonga!!!.
Juan Rafael se queda sin palabras, la bella pelirroja sale de su oficina y nuestro godínez queda consternado. -¿como demonios descubrió su mote?-, se pregunta Juan Rafael confundido, hace una semana para evitarse complicaciones habia borrado todos sus perfiles de redes sociales, Instagram, Twitter y Facebook!!!, en la empresa nadie sabia que le decían la ÑONGA !!!.
El gran día del nombramiento de la hija del jefe como Vicepresidenta de la empresa habia llegado, la Ñonga, perdón Juan Rafael, se encontraba sentado junto al resto de los empleados en el gran auditorio de la empresa, algo nervioso, se repite mentalmente para darse ánimos, -la pelirroja esta consiente de que no le podía decir nada a su papa!!!-, tal vez tenía un oportunidad de sortear el entuerto sin perder su trabajo!!!, unos minutos después todos se ponen de pie, cuando al auditorio entra una rubia muy linda de unos 30 y tantos, atrás viene el gran Jefe, el dueño de la empresa con su hija, la pelirroja del brazo, al pasar a su lado, la muy coqueta le guiña un ojo a la Ñonga disimuladamente!!!. Ya en la tarima el Jefe de la compañía empieza un breve discurso ensalzando las virtudes y capacidades de su hija antes de otorgarle la vicepresidencia de la compañía, al finalizar la rubia da un paso al frente, saluda a todos los empleados, diciendo que esta mas que capacitada para el cargo, Juan Rafael esta mas que confundido!!!, finalmente la rubia agradece a su padre y a su joven esposa la pelirroja por la oportunidad que le estaban brindando, Juan Rafael se quedo petrificado en su asiento cuando proceso que era con la joven esposa de su jefe con la que habia estado coqueteando toda la semana!!!-Glup!!!-.
La Ñonga sale temprano de su casa, se detiene en el kiosko de la esquina y compra un periódico, un rato después ya abordo del bus que lo llevaba hasta su empresa revisa minuciosamente las ofertas de empleo en los anuncios clasificados, necesitaba conseguir urgentemente un nuevo trabajo antes de que la situación con la pelirroja le explotara en las manos!!!.
The boss's daughter
Juan Rafael Klope gets off the bus very close to the headquarters of the company where he started working that day, a new job full of opportunities and above all for him a fresh start, starting to work from scratch in a new company, with new colleagues, But the best thing was that nobody knew him, here nobody knew his secret, that gave him the security of leaving behind the bad experiences in his previous job that only caused him bitterness, shocks and a small nervous breakdown!!!, here nobody knew him , no one knew about his problem, much less did they know the detestable nickname that had accompanied him like his shadow since high school and that in a certain way had marked him, after it was discovered in his previous job he had to literally run away, not only from the rumors if not from the harassment of her co-workers. When he passes the entrance of the company, he crosses on foot through the parking lot towards the main entrance, he quickens his step a little when he sees the time on his watch, he was a little late, he wanted to make a good impression on his first day!!!, but Something distracts him, stops him, a few meters away from him a stunning redhead gets out of her apparently broken down car, opens the hood but it is evident to Juan Rafael that the girl does not know about mechanics, he decides to help her and approaches offering her help, the The redhead smiles at him and lets him do his magic. It's not that Juan Rafael was a great mechanic, but he found the fault with a sulfated terminal that was also loose. It took him only 5 minutes to solve the problem. The redhead sits behind the wheel. , she turns the key and the convertible starts up!!! The statuesque redhead winks at her savior and thanks him with a smile before disappearing next to her car. Juan Rafael continues on his way and upon passing through the door of entrance, the old guard at the entrance says to him in greeting:
-I see that you have already met the boss's girl!!!, be very careful young man!!!.
Juan Rafael was sitting in his small office working, so far everything was going wonderfully in his new job, not only because he was prepared for the position he held, Juan had the gift of people!!!, so both of his friends liked him immediate boss like his colleagues who, with barely 24 hours in the company, already treated him like one of their own!!! At noon when Juan Rafael was getting up to go to lunch when a commotion began in the company!!!, the news spread like wildfire that the daughter of the Boss, the owner of the company who had recently returned from pursuing a postgraduate degree in a prestigious university abroad, would be appointed to the position of vice president of the company, Juan Rafael could not believe that a girl as young as the redhead he had met yesterday in the parking lot had already taken and passed a postgraduate degree in economics, I estimate the girl to be about 23-24 years old, it seems that apart from being beautiful, the boss's daughter is very intelligent!!!, Juan Rafael was walking down the hallway towards the elevator to go down to the floor and go to lunch when he came across chance with the beautiful and flirtatious redhead, the girl recognizes him, and winks at him again as she passes by him.
Juan Rafael was going up the elevator to the top floor. His immediate boss had sent him to the presidency to look for some folders and documents for a new project. After presenting himself with his badge, the secretary of the presidency gave him the pages and folders that he needed. was requiring, a few minutes later Juan Rafael retraced his steps to the elevator, entered and marked his floor, the third, just before the doors closed completely, a mane of fire-red hair crossed first.

-Hello, good afternoon, do I know you from somewhere?-,the redhead asks.
-Good afternoon miss, I helped you with your car the other day in the parking lot.
-I remember, you're new right? I've never seen you before!!!
-Yes, miss, precisely that day I started working here.
-Oh!!!, but that's great!!!, look what a good eye my Daddy has for hiring such good-looking and gallant employees!!!.
Juan Rafael turned redder than the girl's hair at the compliment. Out of excitement he forgot that he was going to the third floor and he went down with her to the ground floor, he accompanied her to the exit door, just to see her for a few more seconds. swaying, the old guard at the entrance who had been watching him since he got out of the elevator warns him before going back up.
-Young man, good luck with the Boss's girl!!! Did you hear me correctly? Good luck!!!.
Juan Rafael arrives early that morning at the company, he was on his way to his office thinking that it was not a good idea to hook up with the boss's daughter, but the redhead had gotten into his head, if the Pope found out he would surely be fired without a doubt. contemplations!!!, he enters his office and there was the redhead waiting for him!!!, the boss's daughter approaches, climbs on top of him, stretches out her arm and closes the door.
-I already remembered where I know you from!!!-, the redhead tells him and without saying any more words she gives him a kiss with touches included. After the assault the girl whispers in his ear:
-Let's not say anything to my Daddy... Ñonga!!!
Juan Rafael is left speechless, the beautiful redhead leaves his office and our godínez is dismayed. -How the hell did he discover his nickname?-, Juan Rafael asks himself confused, a week ago to avoid complications he had deleted all his social media profiles, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook!!!, in the company no one knew that they called him ÑONGA !!!.
The big day of the appointment of the boss's daughter as Vice President of the company had arrived, Ñonga, sorry Juan Rafael, was sitting with the rest of the employees in the company's large auditorium, somewhat nervous, he mentally repeated himself to realize Cheer up, -the redhead is aware that she couldn't say anything to her dad!!!-, maybe she had a chance to get through the mess without losing her job!!!, a few minutes later everyone stands up, when at last A very pretty blonde of about 30-something enters the auditorium, behind comes the big boss, the owner of the company with his daughter, the redhead on his arm, as he passes by her, the very flirtatious one sneakily winks at Ñonga! !!. Already on the stage, the Head of the company begins a brief speech extolling the virtues and abilities of his daughter before granting her the vice presidency of the company. At the end, the blonde takes a step forward, greets all the employees, saying that she is more How qualified for the position, Juan Rafael is more than confused!!! Finally, the blonde thanks her father and his young wife, the redhead, for the opportunity they were giving him. Juan Rafael remained petrified in his seat when he processed what it was with. his boss's young wife with whom he had been flirting all week!!!-Glup!!!-.
La Ñonga leaves her house early, stops at the corner kiosk and buys a newspaper. A while later, on board the bus that took her to her company, she carefully reviews the job offers in the classified ads. Him urgently needed to get a new job, before the situation with the redhead exploded in his hands!!!.
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