It's all part of the process...#1

in blurtpolitics •  last year 

Project 26.gif

Ridicule - when used as a weapon agianst opponents - is at it's most potent when your opponents position is based half-truths, lies, deceit and very ethically ambiguous, grounds.

This is why it's so successful with libtards.
Their entire world view is built on sandcastles of illusions, which then leads to delusions, which then desperately tries to use both philosophically and intellectually indefensible positions in an attempt to sound legitimate.

Not wonder really then that its such a good 'anti-libtard' tool.

Misdirection is often used by the libtard, to try and move away from specific points they can;t answer.
If that fails, then emotionally driven frustrations result in irrelevant one liners - 'racist', sexist, hater'...blah, bloody, blah.
The problem that the libtard has with using these irrelevant tropes incessantly, is that they lose their power over time.

We can see this in the social media space where people are fed up of people that have nothing to offer in terms of poignant argument, see this brain-dead, banal idiocy for what it is.
Where only a few years ago, the initial reaction was to adopt a defensive approach to such moronic accusations - now people are simply disregarding them, seeing them for 'the nothing of substance', that they always were.

...My project is coming along*....
_...part of the process, indeed...the intro.
Project 26a.gif

*feel free to offer any more acronyms.


Speaking of misdirection...

porridge - Copy.jpg
..and she has something very, very offer you - If you can handle it.
It's a shame if you can't though...

good to be the king.gif

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  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks for the top 5 list. It's like Blurt's American Bandstand. I'm so glad history is in the hands of the right people. And all funded by Blurt too, by golly?

  ·  last year  ·  

lololol - this might turn out to be quite funny....

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  ·  last year  ·  

Wow, you added a number 5. This is a work in progress. Maybe I shouldn't egg you on, but do you know the history of these "libtards" you talk about? It's a sad story. You can start at the Parisian coffee houses of the 1800s, but I'd start from Potsdam after WW2. The "libtards" were born out of fear. I wish we would all start being human instead of being this or that label.

  ·  last year  ·  

I think you really should give them the credit that they deserve by allowing the ushering in of the bolsheviek's, personally....

The "libtards" were born out of fear.

Fear is the basis of the liberal mindset . The sources of the fears are varied, but it's the same emotion that drives them on.
Unchallenged emotions...
...which could account for the lower IQ in general - less IQ, less self awareness- less chance of adressing deeper issues that the fear stem's form
...the high IQ, pretend libs, or C.U.N.T.'s - have the same fears as a driver, but they are fully aware.
I.e Say hello to the sociopaths and psychopaths and malignant narcissists of the world)

I wish we would all start being human instead of being this or that label.

Some bipeds are not human, they just appear so... (depending on your definition of what is is to be human).
For me - If love is not the law, you ain't human - but you can become so...('love' being god/the universe/nature, whatever)

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