My reply to @drutter...

in blurtpolitics •  last year 

Social media as we know it today - will die off.

It's a faux reality.
'It's a techy toy'.
It's an invitation to waste your time, encourages childishness and to become non productive while offering you the pretense that you are doing something.

The silence of those promoting such delusions is very self evident.
Examining the 5 years of my time on the 'dpos idiocy' and the interactions with 'the delusions of those who think they have power' - the paper thin facade falls away.
The mask is easy to take off - whether 'they' like it or not...
And tools will be readily available to anybody wanting them - with 'easy to apply tactics' and strategies to 'unmask' the predator/parasite class, in your real life - from friends, co-workers, to intimate relationships)...
The parasite class detest truth and honesty if it doesn't serve their value extraction process.

Social media - as is today - IS infantalism. (and encouraged by the human parasites, as it makes obedience/control an easier task)

The real world (reality), requires an adult perspective with which to navigate though it successfully.

Imo (just my opinion) media, as is, will die off.
People with value to add will create their own nexus's.
Their own websites.
A truly 'free market of ideas', as it should be.
(assuming the internet itself still exists).

4/5 th's of the human sheep will die off - as in being 'active' on social media.

History will see this as an embarrassing blip of 15 years in the history of mankind - showing the regression of minds when given too much luxury through technological 'advances'.

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When time becomes premium, the luxury of wasting time, will be a redundant concpet.

How long does it take to grow 20 kg of tomatoes?
(I have no idea, lets say 3 hours in total, watering, care etc).

Time is the money, nothing else.

The 'attention economy' steals your time, nothing more. (if not absorbing actionable information).

You can never get your time back.


Use it wisely.

When reality kicks in, this current western decadent illusion (the devil makes work for idle hands as they say)
...and the most valuable asset you posses (your time) is required to be put to good use - to stay alive - what ya gonna do?

Spend your three hours producing tomatoes, or getting fat and nihilistic, playing video games and shit posting ?

'You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality...'

...and reality is coming, matey - fast.

part of my website will be trying to help those who want to help themselves - 'cleaning peoples heads' - and give them the tools to face whats coming - like an adult.
...a mixture of philosophy/psychology/common sense, self actualization - with easy to understand tools to help to spot the parasites in your life and how to deal with them.

In this 'cycle of chaos' that we are now entering (a necessary and inevitable function of nature's efficiency) ...the 'soy boy', 'woke', 'liberal', and pampered adults (who've never really grown up) who think playing video games and making emoji's are a useful allocation of ones time...... will... die... off.

'You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality...'

...the dpos socialist idiocy of some utopia, is not growing up - it's spoiled children trying to delude themselves that things 'for free', really exists - with the parasite class cashing in and extracting value off good people and their honest, noble, intent...

tyra mic drop.gif

bully 1.gif

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  ·  last year  ·  

If social media was an intern they would be smelling of rot from gangrene infection. The amount of ....

Fuck I just heard alot of gun shots near my home. Speeding cars and then silence. Already forgot what I was saying...

Usually when something like that happens its just some ego tripping drunk.. the local cartels don't like to stir troubleni town and have strict rules about it because well, the towns residents will fuck them up lol. No clue what really happened.

Now I hear cops sirens. On the chase.


Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

DUCK ! (or is that, 'Penguin!'?)

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

If social media was an intern they would be smelling of rot from gangrene infection. The amount of ....

Fuck I just heard alot of gun shots near my home. Speeding cars and then silence. Already forgot what I was saying...

Usually when something like that happens its just some ego tripping drunk.. the local cartels don't like to stir troubleni town and have strict rules about it because well, the towns residents will fuck them up lol. No clue what really happened.

Now I hear cops sirens. On the chase.


Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Its all an illusion, a veil, a lie.

  ·  last year  ·  

Indeed it is, mademoiselle.
You've been quiet lately. I hope everything is ok with you.

Email me so I can contact you (re- the voice overs/narrations?...I can send you written transcripts, and leave you to record onto mp3, and then mail back ?

Oh, also - do you want those whale shares back, that I have -that you sent to me ? - I'm not going to be doing anything with 'em as far as I can see...

(I now have enough financial support for my website for the next 12 months - by which time it should be self sustaining/profitable)._

If the internet stays on - happy days !
(as a side note - would you be interested in an 'astrology spot' on the site ? - it might be a possibility depending on the directions it takes later. ...I think astrology might have a a space in my philosophy, psychology, ideas - from a prgmatic perspective, not a 'woo-woo' one lol)

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Oh i just saw your message now, let me contact you on email.

  ·  last year  ·